If you are right and the file really opens as a text in a new window you can "download" it just by saving that page - go to your browser menu a hit "Save page as" or just press ctrl+s
I already got in touch with the support twice and haven't gotten any proper reply so far.
I purchased a model yesterday and am not able to download it - if I hit the download button a new window in the browser opens showing what seems to be the data of the file in text.
Could you please let me know how to fix this? I need to use the model urgently.
Thank you
If you are right and the file really opens as a text in a new window you can "download" it just by saving that page - go to your browser menu a hit "Save page as" or just press ctrl+s
Have you tried different browser too?
What kind of file format are you trying to download?
When the new window with the file opens does url ends with the file extension? Like https://www.cgtrader.com/somethingsomething.OBJ ?
Some 3D file formats are just plain text files. Like OBJ for example.
If the server is not configured properly it will just open the file in the browser instead of forcing it to download.
If you save the "page" then you just downloaded the file.
Have you tried to import/open it in your 3d software?
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