Does anyone sale something on Cgtrader?...where are customers?

Discussion started by Newlc


Posted about 10 years ago

Have you not sold anything yet? You have collection of 64 very good quality models. I saw people on turbosquid with even less and they make a living from that. I have only 9 models, not sold anything here yet, but on turbosquid I have sold one model of my sci-fi platform once.

Newlc wrote
Me too groch, i 'am in TS but in CGtrader it's very very hard to sale something,
ainaritxu14 wrote
i have 42 and i sold a lot of models
Posted about 10 years ago

How long have you been on cg trader. Sales take time. I have been uploading my models here since January 2015 and had 2 sales already and three on turbosquid. But made more from the 2 sales here than i did for the past 4 months on turbosquid. The royalty system here is much better than on ts. Dont know why people still support TurboSquid. All 3d designers can make a much better living if they sell their models here.

Newlc wrote
Your situation is similary to mine Hans May be CGtrader need to make more referencing or commercial spot...i don't know
Posted about 10 years ago

I agree with Hans on everything. Sales take time and what you sell is random and often not what you would expect. Turbosquid is awful... but buyers still think it is the place to shop because it has been out there for so long... even if the models on there aren't very good quality and the site is buggy and outdated. CG trader is so much better!!

Newlc wrote
You totally right marvimation, but to me, our customer is worlwide And people can buy anything, i don't think that the customers buy just one particular thing, differents categories=many 3d objects that my vision
miaomiao3d wrote
Yes you are right they buy many different things but the problem is that you need to make them interested in what you are selling or figure out what they want to begin with and you can't do that by making things at random. Market research is key and having a fan base like me makes it easier. My problem as of late has been creating good renders and textures. In the past I had a great track record of selling on Turbosquid where the buyers don't care as much about buying finished products like here.
ainaritxu14 wrote
cgtrader is better absolutly
Posted about 10 years ago

At turbosquid i was selling something each month, at cgtrader 5 sales almost for one year and it was not expensive models. Reason why, i am still there, its hope :)

Posted about 10 years ago

Thks for give your comment guys, i saw that your are like me
Low sale on CGtrader :( even if you put low price to your model
The problem is not your model or price, the problem is that Cgtrader need to be more popularity, don't you??

Posted about 10 years ago

If you want more sales on Turbosquid it is easy to do but it is risky... There is a loop hole in there system but you can't do this on all your models or they will catch you and ban you from the site. If you want to know how to use the loop hole I will share the trick with you it is legal...

GeomeTree wrote
im interested
razor99 wrote
Me too
Posted about 10 years ago

I hope this link is helpfull for you

Newlc wrote
your link was very interesting Engelw, thank you ...but my question was about CGTRADER, i think this website is not enough popular on the web and it's for that artists can't sale models as TSquid, what do you think about that?
Posted about 10 years ago

i think that this sales platform is less famous than turbosquid, i found this site accidentally but i chose this one for the royalty rate; We need to make advertising of this site to make it famous, if you search on internet "the best 3d marketplace" you can find a lot of result but i didn't saw this in no one of the results. :(

justinask wrote
Hi, I have just tryed to enter "the best 3d marketplace" into Google search and we are the second option from the very top.
riccardo12345 wrote
It may depend even by your search history, preferences and cookie on your Browser, after a lot of time that you used this site it appear on the top list, when i tried for the first time to search a site where i can sell models i don't found this, i'm talking for about 1 month ago, maybe now this site is famous XD
ainaritxu14 wrote
in every page of internet turbosquid looks as the better one but In turbosquid i sold only once a month and in ctrager between 3 or 5 models for month
Posted about 10 years ago

Make CGtrader famous, i think this task for this site owners in first row, but afraid if it will be famous like TS, CGtrader will change their policy for sellers.

Posted about 10 years ago

Haha the Turbosquid loop hole trick is not in any way illegal and that is why I got banned... They don't want everyone to game their system because then the top dogs won't manage to sell as well. The Turbosquid people are big bullies who only want the top sellers to sell the rest don't matter to them at all.

Well it is pretty simple to do and since I got some people asking about how it is done I'll share it. All you need to do is go into your Turbosquid tags and add the names of the top sellers on Turbosquid. It is super easy to do.

To get started you go on Turbosquid and you do this based on what models you have. If you are selling cars you just type in car or whatever search word is most popular. Then a bunch of models will show up. You then copy and paste the names of those sellers into your tags and there you have it.

Now all of a sudden your models are searchable even when your rank on there is the lowest. Be careful don't do this on all your models or you will get banned from Turbosquid. Once you get banned they will also freeze your account. Make sure you have all your models backed up because they won't let you access your models and once you are banned from Turbosquid you will never be able to sell there again even after years of not being on there.

If you use this trick on one or two models it will fly under the radar and it will bring lots of buyers to your account.

Newlc wrote
i don't know but to me TSquid control the sale about some artists, don't you?
miaomiao3d wrote
Yes they controlled mine a lot and got on my nerves a lot. When I started out there I was selling pretty well and they did everything they could to slow me down. That is why I got creative in many ways and kept getting around their system but eventually it did not pay off because I got banned and now I can never sell there.
Posted about 10 years ago

Sold 27 models so far, however time between sales is getting shorter for me these days. Sales on Ts is indeed much higher, even when most of my models are almost 60% more expensive over there. The people hoe buy my twice as expensive models probably don't know they can get them for half the price here.

However, I'm confident that in time CGt will get more global awareness and people will check here before they buy somewhere ells.

Remember, CGt is not only a sales platform, it is also a platform made for a community of passionate artist's, so our support for this whole idea is the most important part of its success.

iterateCGI wrote
I can happily say now after 4 years CGtrader has become so well established that I could finally delete my account on Turbosquid. That place frustrated me for so long time, the arrogance, the artist disrespect, the unearthly expensive running cost and undemocratic terms, the aggressive monopolistic behavior, the censorship, the constant working on the weakness of people to succumb to the exclusivity trap, the constant efforts having dominant position and destroying all competitors (I was with at that time). It felt so bad supporting them with my work but there was no other place to go, they had shut them all down. It made me hoping something new and better would come around, I needed to pay a high premium to stay owner of my work but it had to be done so I could support the better thing would it surface somewhere. And them CGtrader came along, I was positively surprised to see a relatively large group actually never went exclusive with the Ts dominator and immediately supported this promising new platform. Everything worked out better then we probably had imagined, we had to keep fate at times but we kept believing things can be done better and now we have something better.
Posted about 10 years ago

I'v nothing to reproach CGtrader. For me, it's currently the second 3D marketplace (since died ... RIP)
I sell less here than TS, but the number of sales remains correct. (especially since CGTrader is less focused on 3D printing).
I think TS and CGTrader are complementary. If the 3dmarket places like CGTrader didn't exist, the TS royalties would not be
40% but 10% :)
I think CGTrader (and others) are ESSENTIAL for the the 3D industry balance .

Newlc wrote
Word up! And good for europe zone
Posted about 10 years ago

With the people like marvinanimation this site is losing all credibility.
That's why it never be like TS.

Posted about 10 years ago

Yeah I love CG Trader too!

Posted about 10 years ago

Ok Guys!
If some artists want participate to the project for promote your work on cgtrader Through a video, i invited you to send 1 or 2 HD Jpeg or 360°video of your better model on this link

-Name your file with : your nickname-name of the model
for example : Newlc-AirbusA380
-Deadline Upload : March 31 2015

If you meet problems to upload your file, please contact me

Best regards buddys!

Posted about 10 years ago

You are a SquidGuild member , so your interest is that sites like CGTrader disappear. Personally TS is just 40% of all my royalties, 60% that remains are divided among 3 other sites and CGTrader have a great part of this 60%.
And now that Fallingpixels and Exchange3D died, I think that this part will grow :).

Posted about 10 years ago

I noticed that on your web site you wrote that your 3d models are disponible on Turbosquid, if you want to promote this web site why you don't write even that you are on CGTrader?
This thing can be made for all the comunity, try to promote this Web site on your personal site and maybe by make some discount if costumers buy theyr model from here :)

Newlc wrote
dear riccardo, 1-i am new on CGT, and cgtrader don't have banner or logo pict 2-discount or free model don't make popularity of the website, we need to make some big video with lot of model and share it, that why i propose my service
riccardo12345 wrote
I didn't want to offend anyone, i apreciate the help that you are giving to this comunity, i'm new in this field and i never made models for sale before now so i putted my firsts models free to receive feedback from people that have more experience than me. if you want you can download and use my 3 models for the video (even if they aren't the best models on this platform). I'm sorry if i offended you.
Posted about 10 years ago

I like CGTrader because the royalty rate is very high... I'm very happy i can sell my models in this site. I hope CGTrader will grow better in this year... :)

Posted almost 10 years ago

Well, it's time to stop this screeching about super percentage that get sellers at cgtrader. Just sell model, coast $39, for put back model in stock, i must pay $29, where my ROYALTY RATE 76%? At turbosquid with my 40% for this sell i will take $15, and not forget about squidguild with 60% royalty. Not need think about vat, credits and etc. And this most stupid rank system, then rank up much more easy from spam in forum, then from sell or upload new models. cgtrader have nice futures, but not so good all there.

Posted almost 10 years ago

My models are half the price here on CGt, and jet here I still make more on them (per sale) compared to the sales on Ts, so what you are saying does not make sense to me.

(you probably sold multiple models or something?)

Also don't forget to watch that CG credits counter, you probably bayed more CG credits then necessary and now your CG credit counter still has a balance of 20+ credits? If so, then you are good to sell two to three more models of that same price range at no cost.

If non of what I'm saying is true, then you best contact CGt staff, because then there would be something very wrong with your account.

Posted almost 10 years ago

For a $10 sale on CgTrader i got $10 paid into my paypal account and $2 credits was subtrackted from my free credits. So i got the full amount for my sale. How is that not good.

For a $10 sale on Turbosquid, i only recieved $3.57. That is only a 35.7% Royalty. Who still thinks Turbosquid is the best?

I don't.....

CGModelsNet wrote
lets see what you told, then you free credits will ends :)
bizkit001 wrote
Royalty will still be higher on CGT. And with the direct contact with the buyers you always get more work. CgT don't take all your money for their service. They understand that the artist spends time. They are like the rep of your product and they take a rep's percentage. Not the other way around where on TS, the person who spends all the time to create models take the lesser amount. Even on the guild on ts, they take more than the artist on the end. I've been on TS for many years and never i got my money like i am suppose to. Every month the withold part of the payment and don't give reason why it is witheld. It just say "WITHELD". even if I sell a model of $10 and i had to pay $7 to activate it again I will be happy on CGT(which will not happen). Because cgt is a transparent site and they help the artists in a way that TS will never help. Not even when you are in the Guild. I have been there and it did not help me anything.
Posted almost 10 years ago

Aleksandr Stepurko :

" ....Not need think about vat, credits and etc"..
you forget 30% tax on no US residents on TS

"And this most stupid rank system, then rank up much more easy from spam in forum" ...
you prefer le famous level squid badge ? stay 40% royalties even after you make $ 10,000,
At least with CG trader increase the royalties rate with the number of sales, I personally think it's a little more fair. personally I win 84% royalty here? can you tell me which is better ?

"...and not forget about squidguild with 60% royalty"

the SquildGuild can be interesting for vendors who sell a lot and since very long.
you are Silver Badge on TS after 2 years !! ... That's means, you have sold less than $ 750 a year !!! So less than 62,5 per month, that's means you earn on average less than $ 25 of royalty by month-(!!!)
I do not want to offend you, I respect the effort of all artists here or elsewhere. and I find that the models you sell are excellent, but I think you do not yet have sold enough (here and on TS) to compare objectively.

Posted almost 10 years ago

Hi guys,

How are you doing? I've read all of your posts, I think it is really interesting topic here. I would like to say something about the 3D model presentation in the market from my own experience.

Presentation of your model is the key. If you make a nice renders, wireframe renders + detailed description, a few different exported formats,etc. about the product you sell, it will increase the chances to sell it. Just imagine, you go to the store to buy, for example, shoes. You have two pairs to choose from. I think you will take the one which looks nice and clean and for affordable price. As from customer perspective, you only care about the product quality and price.

In case you do not know, how to make a nice renders for the product you want to sell, there a tons of tutorials out there, which you can learn from.

It is a way of thinking. Personally, I like to learn new things, not just because I need to know how to make a nice presentation for my products, but also because once I learn something new, I know that this new information and skills will help me to model, sculpt, render, etc. more and more complex projects.

Guys, we are working very hard here at CGtrader and we really appreciate your opinion and feedback we receive. We value this information very much, because it helps us to understand you. We are very proud to be a part of our great designers community.

Personally, I like the idea you guys mentioned about letting others know about you by posting links with your products on your personal websites, forums, etc. I would say, it is one of the good ways to help making everyone happy. There is always higher chance for success when working as a big team of talented artists and designers, instead of having a lot of individuals who are trying to catch their fortune by themselves.

We really believe in what we do and we want you to know, that you guys help us a lot!

Thank you for that, for your feedback, for your help and for your understanding.

My pleasure,

Best Regards!

Posted almost 10 years ago

Hello Buddys!

stays in you 4 days for upload your better 3d model to show YOUR work Through a dynamic video that i'll made

the adress to upload your pict(s) or 360° video is here:

-Name your file with : your nickname-name of the model
for example : Newlc-AirbusA380
-Deadline Upload : March 31 2015

If you meet problems to upload your file, please contact me

Best regards buddys!

Posted almost 10 years ago

Ok, maybe you not understand me right. First of all i have two accounts at ts
, one from them diamond btw, so i have enough experience, and i know about i speak. From this sale i may take more money at ts.
Buyer was from israel, and all money i take in my paypal acount, but for put model back, i must buy 20 credits, for me it will coast $29 with vat(i am from EU). Why i need pay 29$ then i need only 9.36 credits for put model back. This 76% royalty rate become ghost after this all transfers.
For me not interesting what i will have in future, more interesting what i have right now in my pocket. If you guys think what my post lie, will not argue with you, but it was just fact, 10$ there from sold, or 15$ at ts from same sold, and its only for me, dont have idea how much you may take with you royalty rate. And how i told before, if all was bad there, i leave this place, and did not start any discussion, i respect my time, what coudnt told about some persone who post in this topic, maybe you just up you reputation with spame post like post from SuperCigale. 30% tax on no US residents on TS you pay if customer US resident, if customer from other country, you take all revenue, there i must pay 21%vat all time then want buy credits for put model back in store(its was about who there newbie).

Posted almost 10 years ago

Aleksandr Stepurko:

usually the sellers on TurboSquid, trying to buy diamond account to gain credibility.
Because it is proven that the diamond sellers sell more.
I see only one reason (for me) why you opened another account: Escape the Guild :)

That said, whatever your reason, on your "second account" you are silver for two years,
it means that on "this account", you just sell nothing on TS. So i don't see how you could compare with CGTrader (???)
Indeed, only US buyers produce a 30% tax for no US residents. But as they make up more than half of sale on TS, the tax volume at the end of the month is important (at least for me)

personally my models are selling well between 10 and 15 dollars, and I sell a lot. On CGTrader, 5 credits allows me to validate two sales.
so when I sell between 25 and 30 dollars on CGTrader, I earn between 18 and 23 dollars of royalties (with VAT).
For the same amount I earn between 10 and 12 dollars on TS (without the famous 30%)

So for royalties rate, CGTrader is widely the best for me.

On the volume of sales, I can admit that I sell 5 more time on TS as CGTrader. So on this point, TS is widely ahead CGTradder.

Concerning the total amount of my royalties CGTrader comes just after TS, but some other sites are near to CGTrader. So I can say truthfully that TS provides 40%
of my total royalties.

last point: Here is an open forum and we particularly appreciate this freedom.
I speak only when it seems important to me, and when someone spits on CGTrader just to enhance TS I do not mind to act.
I'm on GCTrader sincethe beginning I saw this young team grows, and especially to listen to its members. Which is not the case everywhere :)
so if I spamming this forum, it will be the CGTrader team tell me.

PS: I do not have to post a reply to Increase my reputation . My sales do ;)

Posted almost 10 years ago

@Aleksandr Stepurko & @SuperCigale Hold on Guys!
We are here to find one solutions to our sales, find how we could find customers, I suggested realizing a video with the 3D models of artists like you guys and I have nothing of you..., So send me a photo or 360° of your best 3Dmodel and you 'll see it into the dynamic video that I am prepapred...

Stay positive and let's do it together

Posted almost 10 years ago

SuperCigale you are definitely not spamming and your comment was very enlightening. Thanks for posting :)

Posted almost 10 years ago

studio c4d

Posted almost 10 years ago

i guys !
i realized a little video like i told you to promote our work but for many reasons CGTRADER disappointed me like for example a prize which I won on challenge and which I have never received until this day .
i think the best think we have to do it's not just a video, but a BIG website FOR US, because we spend many time for NOTHING, don't you????

Posted almost 10 years ago

Hi Newlc,

Sorry to hear you have issue receiving the prize, I will ask my colleagues about it and we will get back to you early next week.

Newlc wrote
Hi Marius, I suppose that you been a member of the team, right? it's not normal that we have to complain to have return from you i'm sorry Marius but you should not act when the fire is already here (It's just a saying). Good luck to you!
Posted almost 10 years ago

yes this is very quiet place :( i have no sales yet. just applied 40% discount to my models to see if that has any effect

Newlc wrote
Hi Mig91, Thank you for your confirmation ! any suggestions to CGT ?
Posted almost 10 years ago

i have been here for four months and i got one sale , i have made an experiment this week and i put one of my not saled models for free and it actually got three downloads at the same day !
but i think the models needs more advertising .

Posted almost 10 years ago

Self marketing is key on selling. Twitter can be your friend in getting at least your stuff noticed here on the website. On any market, having a large selection of items increases your chances of selling more often. I've sold some designs on CGTrader but due to some limitations with the website, majority of my followers and potential buyers usually end up going to the other sites I post 3d models and 3d printables on.

Personal opinion: I've noticed that some of the pricing here on Cgtrader has a tendency to ward off potential buyers. I'm not trying to put down the designers selling here or the CGtrader website itself. Based on my selling experience, nice product images will improve your chances of selling a product and verify the asking price. If the product image quality doesn't match the price you are asking, your potential for selling that product is low.

So my tip is to ask yourselves if you were a potential buyer of your product would you pay the asking price based on what you see in your product images?

@Moustafa shaheen you have some nice products. Your powerhorse generator, hp lcd monitor, and steering wheel look reasonably priced to what I see in the product images. The office chair looks nice but the quality of the images would make me reason with myself if the price is worth it. Personally I would pay $12 for that chair if I needed that model without much thought. Your other products I've glanced at but if I was looking for these in the search engine I probably would pass over them initially. The red/orange backgrounds is distracting from the product in the images.

ShaheenCG wrote
hey thanks for your feedback really .
Posted almost 10 years ago

@Tanya Wiesner, i am agree with you on many points but disagree on others, let me give you an example, i am on CGT since Dec 29, 2014
and do you know how many sale i have make? 5 ...and i've got 108 3d models at this time and modestly i've got some pretty good models and thumbs, my price never corresponds to the lot of time i spend and to effort which I crossed for made this models but i try to give a Reasonable and affordable price and final result it's 5 sales!!!!......

So, to me, there a problem of reputation (i mean popularity)of CGT on the web and The team should work on it, it's not our job to make some promo for this website who take % on our sale, i think it's for that some artits leave 3d marketplace to build Their own web site and it's really just sad.

Peace! ;o)

tanya-wiesner wrote
I agree on the popularity of CGTrader on the web. Doesn't help they have Turbosquid to compete with. @Newlc. You have some really nice models and product images, but on some of your products it feels over priced for what you get. Personally, $29 on your firewood set is too much for me compared to what I could get on other 3d market sites that I use when I need to purchase models for work. Average for firewood models is about $20 around the web it looks like. If yours had a model or two of split wood and maybe a simple wood grate that would be enough reason for me to pay your asking price or more on the product. But that is just me.
Newlc wrote
Thanks for give your opinon about my model @Tanya, but firewood model is not just a cylinder with texture apply, if you look closely, it's a sculting process, the goal it was to have an irregularity like the real wood you know what? and the texture was Worked again in photoshop in high definition and uv mapped, so to me $29 it's justified and don't forget % of CGT Less Best regards and good luck ;) Newlc
jazz-cousins wrote
this may be a bug but you seam to have 0 models now, that may explain your lack of sales!
Posted almost 10 years ago

I noticed that a great way to increase your chances of getting views on CGtrader is to keep browsing the site and pressing "like" on the really amazing art pieces. There are some really great artworks on here that never make it to the top pics area and that is truly sad because it is so boring to see so much of that photo realistic already been done to death stuff.

People invented cameras so they can reproduce reality, art is more about bringing something that exists and taking it to the next level by improving or stylizing it.

I think that if enough people press the like button on the really great quality models that aren't just technically well executed but that are also unique and true works of art eventually things will change for the better. It needs to be a group effort though because you can only like once per account on each model...

Posted almost 10 years ago

@dollarquid, view" is good, "sale" is better and that some artists looking for!!!
So if you find something, don't hesitated to post ;0)

Posted almost 10 years ago

This place is made by artist for artists, it's a team effort (that's the difference here).
CGt is trying to make a place here for all of us, so that in time we will have a thriving economy amongst us here.

If we give away power (because we expect someone ells to be responsible for something) then usually it ends up feeding a big monster (authority), that is supposedly going to do something good for us.

Usually that authority will just strip away your personality and use your efforts (in an unbalanced way) to feed a big greedy monster.

We can see it happen all around us, it's a small group of very rich people hoe are powerful because so many people give them so much power by submitting their own.

Here we just get the power for almost noting, CGt offers an exceptional set of tools/service, we just need to use them, and eventually the clients will all end up here.

Supercigale wrote
You're a great prophet, congratulations :)
iterateCGI wrote
I watched star wars, it made me wise ;-)
jazz-cousins wrote
Hahaha, ill have to quote that! :)
Posted over 9 years ago

I have made a few sales... I have noticed i had a product up for a month on here and it only had 250 views... if you share the links around facebook + other social media in areas that your products fit in the attention then is brought to your listing on cgtrader in turn building traffic... as designers we need to become slight marketers also (: I did this strategy and went from 250 views in a month to 1000 views the next day to day in a half... its all about the people that get to see it.. we together have to market our designs to drag people to the site at least until it starts getting more popular!

Posted over 9 years ago

It seems to me that the majority of cgtrader´s customers are young kids with an allowance. How do we advertise on facebook? The steps, please.

Posted about 9 years ago

In januari I sold double the amount on CGTrader compared to Turbosquid. First time! Also, I find it great we can engage in customer relations directly, sometimes leading to great converstations, extra sales and usefull feedback.

Posted about 9 years ago

I have now about 40/60 salesrate on cgtrader/turbosquid. Seems like cgtrader is getting more popular :)
Btw does anyone know a good 3th place where i can sell models? Now i am only selling at these two sites.

Posted about 9 years ago

There's CGRiver, but they upload everything themselves and are reeeeeally slow at it( months). 3D ocean takes 70!%. Creative Crash is third on my list, but sales have dropped a lot the last months. Also trying Unity Asset store (minimal income). I was contacted by Cubebrush, but it seems more for low price products, brushes and reference images. My advice? Save time, stay on CGTrader and Turbosquid. If CGTrader gets around a few bugs and adds extra features (random order thumbnails, enabling products to be put offline, split income,...), it will become n°1.

jazz-cousins wrote
Oh, split income would be really useful, you mean for when you have two or more people working on something right? - I have wondered about how one would do that, except by making two models with the said person and uploading one each!
Posted about 9 years ago

Ok thanks! Do you have many sales at 3docean and creativecrash compared to cgt and turbosquid ?

Posted about 9 years ago

in theory I would get around twice as much money from selling a model here to on terbosquid, so im sticking around, just hope it grows, I love how much control you have over everything as a seller on CGT as opposed to TS where you have no control at all...

Posted about 9 years ago

I can report that my CGtrader account is downing better then my Turbosquid account for this month (first time this happens).

Things are definitely changing for the better here.

I also need to mention that I'm downing more social media coverage and efforts to generate traffic to my CGt account, however it's too early to make prognoses on how effective those effort rely are.

I think the positive results are global on CGtrader (more traffic in general).
There is also notably more activity on the forum.

Also it seems to me that Turbosquit is a little bit in decline.
Maybe news gets round that things are usually twice as expensive over there (for same things you can find here)?

jazz-cousins wrote
You have a small but really nice collection of models, if you don't mind me asking, are you getting enough to live off from selling them? Just curious! My TS sales seam a little lower than usual, I've found the Unity store pretty successful recently, no sales here as of yet though.
iterateCGI wrote
Thanks, and no it's not enough to live from , but I'm working on it. I also do other work alongside to survive, however my focus is more on stock media development as I feel this will work out better for me in the long run. Every new model gives me a slight increase in revenue and a little bit more time/freedom to spend on creating new models/products. I believe stock media will play a very important part in content creation pipelines coming decades. Most important drive will be VR experiences, it is going to get immensely wide spread and lots of people would want to be able to customize their own virtual spaces (it will be a part of social side of VR). Stock media will play big part in delivering to this new type of digital consumption (I believe will be multibillion dollar industry that has never seen any equals). Currently stock media websites are not rely equipped for this type of consumer 3D content, but that will all change.
Posted about 9 years ago

From my last post in this topic all changed there, now there i have much better sales then at TS. New Royalty rate system now work better too. Support Quality at all possible best where i see before, maybe not fast response, but there you feel what support team alive people, not robots(for me its more plus then minus).

PS. Its was not commercial, just see what site take right direction, but it only seller opinion.

Posted about 9 years ago

I have read all your comments, viewed your portfolios and i can say i'm really lucky to be part of community with such talented artists. I uploaded my first models in late November. In december i had my first sale. In January i had 2 more. And now in February already i had 6 sales! On TS i only had 2 sales this month. I only have 9 models uploaded, 7 for 3D printing, one free and one for CG. I must say that i started with prices of 30$ for my models. I made that price when i compared with other similar models here. I was advised to raise the prices and i did. Now my top selling models are 69$ and 79$. My sales actually got much more frequently after i raised the prices! And i think this site is the best, im pushing it always when i upload new model i publish it on twitter and on facebook and on my portfolio website at artstation i only link CG trader model. Royalty rate is without comparison, also UI is the best. CG trader is my first choice.

Now, for the little critique, is not for CG Trader, is for some of you fellow artists. I'm going to "stick my nose where is not belonging" maybe, but someone have to do it i guess. You have amazing models, and sell them for way to low. I have learned in very short time that people who need 3D model will pay for it. Of course, you cant ask 2000$ for model you spent one or 2 days modeling, but simply consider the time taken to make your model, quality of it, time it took to learn the skill needed to achieve such quality, your hourly rate, and set the price accordingly. You have nothing to loose. This market is not like customer walk in shopping mall and see something he don't need, but decide he will buy it cause it very cheep. If persone need particular 3D model, he will buy it when find the right one even if price is few hundred USD.
tanya_wiesner, you have great models, and you sell your models for 3$, 4$. That is really way to low for anything in this world. Im 100% sure people will buy them if they are 30$ or even more. Why not giving it a try at least for month or two and see what is going to happen?
SuperCigale same for you, my God your models are awesome! Average rigged and textured model is worth at least 199$. Your models could go for 299$ each! You can sell one and earn more then if you sell 5, 6 now. There is even reversed psychology here. When someone see great looking models for very low price, something looks suspicious to them. As i mentioned my sales increased after i raised the prices by more then 120%.

Im noob compared to you people, and i'm sure it's not my place to "give you advises". And i guess you might have your own good reasons and views of the market. But you don't need to be very experienced to see that with this prices your are killing yourselves and the industry. I hope you know i'm writing this with best intentions for all, hope no hard feelings.

Happy selling all

Tomislav Veg

jazz-cousins wrote
$199! average?!! I did not expect that, guess it depends on your kind of average, I would guess at half that but I'm not one to judge either. I'm experimenting at higher prices on another site, if it pays off maybe ill change here too. Stylized or unique models I would imagine people are either going to need or not need as you say so you can set a high price. I would argue however that it might be a little more like a supermarket that you imagine, if your model is of something generic and photo realistic, like a car, a real life animal like my whale for example, then there is a lot of other people out there who have made a whale, or the same type of car, what's to stop them buying that instead? As you say though reverse psychology may come into play so who knows if customers will actually decide logically, ie quality first, price if no difference in quality. Provided the fluctuating prices don't scare one's customers, maybe varying one's prices until one actually knows from experience might the best bet! And lets be honest this is a betting game ;)
tomislavveg wrote
Jazz_cousins, google it. For stylized characters like SuperCigale have, you can't find them for less then 200$. And for textured, animated realistic looking model you ask only 20$? Ok its true, when you type in whale you do get lots of results. But lowest price i have seen here is 50$. That is also to low. On TS whale models go for 99$+, some are even 300$, and i bet they also sell. I agree with you that stylized models without many competition like mine can sell at higher price. But each model is work of art of it's own including your whale. How much time have you spent modeling, texturing and animating your whale? I know it cant be less then several days maybe even a weak. Lets say for sake of argument it's 15 hours. And you sell it for 20$. That is 1.3$ per hour. Even if you flip burgers in some African country you can get more per hour i bet. This is suicide and also killer of the industry. People are getting more and more accustomed to lower prices, and i can see more and more job adds where clients ask insultingly low price for complete realistic next get characters for example. It happens cause they come here and see animated models for 20$. Now i understand your position, you see there are lots of other models and you want people to buy from you. But this is really suicidal. Nothing that contains animation should go for less then 100$. Here on CG trader at least people have opportunity to offer lower price if they want your models but they are expensive for them. It happened to me several times and we negotiated. If you set 20$, no one is going to come to you and say: "here's 100$". But if you set 100$ for example, people might come and ask you 50, 60. You can then meat them in the middle and sell it for 80$. It is worth trying, you have excellent models and people will consider them. Value your work people.
Supercigale wrote
I really thank you for all the compliments you did. It touches me a lot . Your models are of rare quality and realism and thrilling !! you deserve much sales you realized here and TurboSquid but (there's always a but) : indeed you are perhaps a little new : You'll soon realize that a 3D model (like any ordinary product) has a life. In early curiosity and novelty product encourages buyers, but after a few months, the product sells less. the challenge is to balance a good quality/price ratio my products are "good quality" and very cheap. But I sell ALL and OFTEN and even those I posted for more than six years Of course I tried to play with prices. I increased prices, and waited several months and mechanically sales fell then I dropped the prices and sales increased as logically. The equilibrium price of my products are between 12 and 15$ I did some testing over several years to achieve this result the speech on "suspicious customer", I heard it hundreds of times. personally i think it's completely wrong. do you think a buyer afraid to pay $ 12 or $ 15 for trying a product ? he will not hesitate one second. and when he sees that the product is of good quality, it will buy more and more. That's called "customer loyalty". I recently published my models on 3DOcean (Envato Market). this site is very special because it isn't the seller who sets the price but the staff. notes that the Envato of staff are as professional as TS, and curiously the prices they set for my models are substantially identical to mine just an advice - Even if you set the price to a million of dollars, you will always find someone to say "ho my god, your price is too low " now, try to find to all the threads on TS or CGTrader, you will NEVER find anyone say "Your prices are too hight" because all sellers know that buyers sort their search for lower prices ;) I wish you much success and good sales here and TS. you have a great talent with ZBrush ;)
tomislavveg wrote
Thank you Supercigale for response. If what you say is true, and i believe you, then that is completely different story. Also i see that most of your models are under editorial license. It make sense they need to be at lower price cause costumers cant actually use them legally to make profit. And it make sense if someone is in to 3D in some way, and browsing this site, see something awesome like your rigged cartoon model, and decide to buy it even if he/she had no intention of doing so cause it's awesome and only 15$... I should not have commented with my so limited experience. Still, most comments here and on all other forums are flaming against low prices, and i still feel that our work worth much more then some people sold their models here. I will investigate, and only time will tell. I understand that some of my models sell now cause they are trendy right now, and will never be again probably. When that happen, i will lower the price, but only on those models. Best regards and happy selling all
Posted over 8 years ago

The Main Point Is You Should Put A lot of models So That Can be Sale
And I Can See here Is lot Of People Downloading Free Models And You Can See The Free Models Showing How Much That Downloaded But if You Go To The $Models You Can See 0 Downloads All People Getting Free Models From Google There Is Lot Of Websites Which Giving You Lot Of Free Models So If Something Someone Can Get For Free They Will Never Search For Models To Buy I'm Really Heart Broken Artist I Don't Want To Waste My Time Making Models If There Is No Value For My Work

miaomiao3d wrote
Exactly right! I have been saying this for years. People need to stop giving their models for free. If we all team up and do it people will start buying more. It is simple marketing and business strategy. Apple never had to give any ipads for free when they started and neither should we. Giving stuff away just drives the value of the products into the ground making people think that they have 0 value. No one ever listens though...
Gamelover wrote
IF Artist Don't Respect Their Models It Will Happen I know Many people will Hate My Comments Specially The Buyers I Don't Know How To Hack Or Stop That Free Models Websites Haha And I Know In Future No Artist Will Make Models If No One Buying Their Models And The Game And Animation industries Will Be Close Not Everyone Can Make Game without Any 3D Artists Keep In mind And I'm Sorry If Someone Don't Like What I'm Saying
jazz-cousins wrote
Interesting how you type every word with a capital letter! On the whole free models tend to be worse quality, often people upload the their first models for free since they don't really yet have the confidence in the quality of their work yet want to share it, this is fine in my opinion. Another thing that happens though is when experienced modelers decide to make models to put on sale for free to attract costumers looking for freebies who might return and by others of their models in future, this obviously does help, if only because you get boosted up the search lists for increased views, so you could see the ability to put models up for free as an opportunity rather than a threat. That being said, there are so many artists out there who do this I expect all these one off "advertising" models from different artists add up to create a pool from which one could create their whole project. However anyone working on a half decent project is are going to be trying to select a model that will go with the all around style of their project, and there just isn't (and never will be) enough verity for anyone working on a decent project to stand much of a chance of getting the models that suet their project for free. My sales on this sight have been gradually building, still not much but they've overtaken my Turbosquid ones these past months, mainly just because my Terposquid sales have collapsed to nothing though but oh well.
Posted over 8 years ago

On the subject of free models, i think i agree. One should give some stuff away. But maybe the solution is to make sure that free models come with an automatic license restriction preventing someone from using them for monetary gain. So that your work you gave away for free is not used to put money in someone else pocket.

Posted over 8 years ago


That would be a great idea Maroans Vault! It is so easy for people to just download free stuff, make a few mods and then re sell it. It is a terrible thing and everyone is doing it.

The only reason they get away with it is because people are just giving stuff away like it is worthless!

I think the best solution though would be to do what another guy said which was to not give anything away and have coupons available.

If people want to download a model they have to send you a message by email and you can give them a free coupon and then they can download it. This way you know who is getting your models and it is easier to chase down who is steeling.

I only give away free stuff to my close friends or clients who have bought stuff from me before and who earned my respect.

In the beginning I was just as stupid as all the others giving my stuff away but I learned really quickly that doing that has 0 benefits and all losses.

I think CGT should do a survey and ask all artists if they would like this kind of thing implemented and then maybe if more people think it is a good idea and it is because at the very least each artist gets better control over who is downloading their models and could also report to CGT who the free loaders are and kick them off the site for good.

Most important rule of business is bringing in good honest paying clients and getting rid of time wasting freeloaders so if CGT can do that they will be the best Model store on the internet for sure!!

Posted over 8 years ago

Well, really you can already keep track of who is downloading free models from you. The name of the user who downloads your stuff is given when they do it. Also, I had this thought, though i am not sure how it would be implemented, but, TS has this thing as you know where they "certify" models. Supposedly these models do better in sales. idk if that's true since i primarily use blender and this vetting process of theirs does not include support for blender. (surprise.) But what if we could create a team of people who could do the same thing here? Again, im not sure about implementation. But if we could come up with a system to evaluate and rate the models being put up at the artists' request, then stick a label on there which "certifies" it as a good model, it may help. Thing is that I do see the benefit to sales. It's the same thing as when an auto repair facility labels itself ASE certified. They get more customers. Another idea, though again i don't know how it would be done (at least not without the support of a lot of people here) is to be in communication with new artists when they arrive and see what they're about and steer them away from giving things away. I am not saying i know all. infact i dont. i just started here a month ago and i know still very little about this business and so i read a lot in these forums (and of course, learn a lot) but with all that said, I know it would help me to have feedback from other artists, so i am sure any newcomers would feel the same. encouragement is key i think to preventing what some very clearly fear. Thoughts?

Posted over 8 years ago

I think your idea is both good and bad. On one side it is great to certify and promote a level of quality but the other side of the coin is that it is extremely troublesome for artists to create all of their models to fit the High end standards required by Turbosquid's standard.

Not all 3D artists want to make high end models or models that qualify for being used in Movies. So many artists just want to create quick but very well built low poly models that can be used by clients to create z - brush sculpts or others may want to create models that are used for 3D printing and neither of those need to fit the Turbosquid requirements to work really well or be considered top quality models.

So if we were to do that one would have to establish new guidelines by which to assess which models are high level and which ones are not.

In my opinion the best models are the ones with perfect geometry with no holes or glitches and all quads but many artists would not agree on that.
So this is really a difficult topic lol

Posted over 8 years ago

Well you could judge a model to have high quality for its intended purpose

jazz-cousins wrote
well even that is not really going to be a fair system, for isntance there are cases where for the art style of a model oyu might intentionaly have a lot of streached vertexes etc, especaly if working with har edges this can give some quite intersting results, however most people learn from the start ordered topolergy is the best, for a game model, and anything else is shit, as much as this is true in some cases it is not universal, really it can become more of a judge of personal taste than quality, and who is this judge to be able to officially rate your model based on their personal opinion... it just doesn't work. I think a purchaser rating per model would be the way to go, and to an extent that exists already. You could have a system where you could have a model certified to be what the artist claims though, instead of rating it against their criteria rating it against the artists description and images.
Posted over 8 years ago

Well the best plan in my opinion would be to get the buyers and CGT to figure out which models sell the best and then create a standard based on that.

Only they would know the truth about which models are truly the most bought and I think in general no one wants to disclose that info simply because if you are doing well and that may be like 2 percent of the modelers on here then you don't want everyone to steal your thunder.

I don't sell anymore I just put my models up here for students who can't afford the high end prices and who need a little help and are still honest enough not to just go out and free load or steal models.

They are the only people I work with. Occasionally I get the low end of the spectrum buyer who is working on a higher end project and doesn't have the budget for the high end models but usually just students.

Posted almost 8 years ago

does anyone know what happens after make a successful sale . I finished a job for aclient and they left an 8 not sure what that was reffering to. Ive left the comment below

"Congrats! The job cute little fiesta items is finished. Your client lotsoflaughing approved this job as done and ranked you 8.

Payment for this job will be paid out with the closest CGTrader payout (until 20th day of upcoming month). "

Posted almost 8 years ago

I guess you got 8 out of 10 and the client was happy with your work. Did you get paid? If you did the work for free and got an 8 I think that is not a good score for working for free.

512pixel wrote
yes i got paid i have been paid around $100 dollars on cg tradr ive sold alot models
Posted about 6 years ago

A few projects but no models. I had better luck with the squid.

Posted about 6 years ago

Has anyone made money to stabilize life on cgtrader? If so, let people see to learn more and more advanced selling 3D products that stabilize your monthly spending

Posted over 5 years ago

maybe only half a dozen people can live on their sales here ...

Posted over 5 years ago


Posted over 5 years ago

Sales are very unstable. Sorry my bad english.
For example, when I don't uploaded new models, I had 20-40$ of "passive income" per month. But in february 2019 my sales and views minimized down to ZERO. Since february I started to adding new models. And it had some effect. Sales grown to ~100 per month, further it was more. Maximum I got here was ~270 in october 2019. BUT!!! (Very big but) Very big part of that income I got not from sales but working on private projects (honestly, it's sometimes interesting job, but usually it's shit that is needed only by one customer and it's paid not much more than average price of already selling similar or not similar model)And one thing more about private projects: usually customers are craftsmen, and they knows the price of their own hands. Respect to them. But then why this customers thinking that my working hour costs nothing??? Why they trying to reduce price to unacceptable???? And since I focused on private projects (I had false hope to getting more good working reputation), I felt by my ass, that views and sales of my models falls down to hell again.
CGtrader don't gives any hope. And it's OK. But when they got couple of years ago some investitions from big sponsors, they literally spammed modelers with mails with questions like "How fast you can adding new models?" "How many models you can upload more?" and with some pretty hilarious questions about 3D scanning and other technologies. At that moment it looked like CGtrader was very interested in involving more modelers ad in getting more quality models. But now (long time) it not works more. I'm working like a horse, but I'm getting from this working not money, but depression: I HAVE NO HOPE TO MODEL SOMETHING FOR SALE. I can not compete with so called "studios", that uploads HUNDREDS of new models (and usually not as good by quality). But they are on top. They uploads more models per day than I can model in 3-5 years. Hundreds, thousands of fucking 1000 times remeshed, 2000 times stolen before models. Or "models" that was made with help of Matrix or Rhinogold library elements and generated with it's buggy scripts. THOUSANDS of models that (I'm SURE) looking shiny on renders, but are problematic for production. But "studios" still uploading and uploading this crap. Because when you have 3000 crappy models it's way better if you have 100 excellent models (because nobody sees "good" models, but every body are looking on top designers, who are adding and adding models of different and usually bad quality, with lack of information and so forth)

I'm working in jewelry production more than 20 years (from 1998), and since 2003 I got lots of experience in Rapid Prototyping, 3d modeling FOR PHYSICAL PRODUCTION, not for advertising of FX fiddlies-diddlies (but I know that @fiddlies-diddlies@ are much better paid... but it's philosophical point... if people on the market thinks that Low-poly shit for useless games or for dumb visualisation are more useful, than models intended for exclusive or mass production, it's law of Market, it's nature, whatewer... )
I was very glad when results of my modeling for professional artists and jewelers was exposed on numerous exhibitions, fairs etc. I'm proud with results of my modelers life. But when I started to try developing my account on CGtrader and on other stocks, I became strong feeling that I AM BAD MODELER. I AM BAD CRAFTSMAN. I AM BAD DESIGNER. Because my independent life (as modeler, here) says me: IF YOU HAVE NO SALES -- YOU ARE NOT AS GOOD!!!
And I'm looking on statistics and what I'm seeing? Just 1 (ONE) sale in this month (and I newer had more than 22 sales per month). Here is "dynamics": june, july -- 22, august -- 15, september -- 21, october -- 16 (month of sales????? definitely NOT... and just one model was sold since 1.november ).

I'm very disappointed. Whole my life I'm was doing wrong things, got useless experience... and at end I'm not involved in that "Modern Shiny World" of freelancing and model selling. I don't know how to compete in this fucking digital world.

I loved CGtrader. For me CGT was the best of all stocks since I came here. Because Tsquid always and forewer was and still greedy and never had needed tools to making dealing with it clear. Because 3dexport and others always was meaningless (at least in terms of selling 3d-printing models). And I'm feeling that "CGtrader is the new Turbosquirt". It's not bad for CGT (more traffic, more profit). But it's bad for me. And it's bad for hundreds and thousands of "small" modelers sellint their own products, not modeled by "Oompa-Loompas" for studio-"Willy-Wankers"... Laws of market.

Yes. My models are SHIT.
Sorry my bad english once again.

iterateCGI wrote
Your models are fine but I think they are just in a crowded category. Probably need to try create stuff that is not there jet?
marpro wrote
I can absolutely understand you, just uploading some old models I made a while ago because of hope. CGTrader looks like a big bazaar for false jewelry. Got a 2% conversion rate on a 5$ model, means 1 sold for 50 views, looks maybe not bad at all, but at 380 Views in over 1,5 Years, feels not very motivated. But its hope! :D
Posted over 5 years ago

At marpro. How are you advertising your models mate? I have 10k+ views in under 3 months and quite a lot of sales.

marpro wrote
10k+ views the question should be: how are YOU advertising you models? By the way, I don't advertise my models because of the following reasons: - The ONLY reason for uploading and selling models on Sites like CGTrader is, that they already have customers. - If the only way to sell my models on this Website is trough advertise my models, why should I sell them here, and not make my own Shop, so I can get more than 70-80 % of the price?
Posted over 5 years ago

@Marpro, I make models to order for games, commercials, movies etc. If I still hold the rights to them I put them up on here after I have already sold them once. When I say advertise, I don't mean to a point where it costs you money. I mean Twitter, Facebook, Own site/ blog, linkedin, Pinterest etc. To answer your "Why not make my own shop?" question, why to bother with all the hassle that goes with it for a few $s more when you can let CG do that stuff and you can get on with what you're good at, making models.

Posted about 4 years ago

HA! I saw this trending and was like, WHAT?! Then I saw the date :D

miaomiao3d wrote
The information is still relevant today even though the post was written a while back.
Posted about 3 years ago

I agree with Hans on everything. Sales take time and what you sell is random and often not what you would expect. TurboSquid is awful... but buyers still think it is the place to shop because it has been out there for so long... even if the models on there aren't very good quality and the site is buggy and outdated. CG trader is so much better!!

miaomiao3d wrote
Yes buyers are brainwashed by Andrew Tate, Logan Paul and Don Lemon... what do you expect? If only they weren't so obtuse! They would all move over to CGtrader!
miaomiao3d wrote
If you subscribe to my channel I will subscribe to your channel. Need help to reach 50 subscribers so I can livestream. If you help me I will be happy to help you as well.

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