Why things are so messed up here on Cgtrader ?

Discussion started by Kuchipuck3d

For starters, tap on that red sale banner you see the same astronaut suit, trash kit and industry kit trending from years now. Is there no new content been more famous than this stuff ? Few days back I was searching for a human figure sellers literally spammed the product feed with different low effort STL models.

What was NEW about the search algorithms ? Why sales are going down since then ? How much they are planning to mess up with buying and selling experience ?

Sales were never recovered from April 2023, I have never seen a better month. They have dudes to defend themselves but not to code a better site experience?


Posted 2 months ago

No comments ! It looks like the voices are censored.

TazMan2000 wrote
You have 10x "Helpful" clicks, so you do have some considerable support.
skapricorn wrote
No. They aren't. Forum is nearly dead. People was talking about this topic many times at least last one and half years long and just silently declined to discuss it because the siteholders still deaf and blind about it.
Posted about 2 months ago

The Black Friday sale just started, and it's possibly the most underwhelming sale I've seen. It looks just like any monthly 70% sale, and they haven't even bothered doing a basic thing like making a conpelling front page.
Combined with all the other issues, I wonder if the owners of CGT have completely abandoned the site?

mak21 wrote
they haven't abandoned the site but they mainly send emails for their Ai program... my discount page is broken... if I set a discount price it doesn't update... you only see it correctly if you click on the product... same for the new models... the old models are always visible on my highlighted page... the new ones aren't on the home page.....

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