I accidentally voted this down and not up. Sorry mate, i think it fantastic that you do this!
I am going to start a list to promote artists who are making great models but just aren't getting the views.
There is a lot of original brilliant content out there that never gets seen or goes on the main page of CGT.
Feel free to pitch in everyone!
If you like an artist on CGT who makes original work that is not copied exactly from something else and you want to help her / him get noticed
post a link to their work here thanks!
I accidentally voted this down and not up. Sorry mate, i think it fantastic that you do this!
Thanks hknoblauch! I really want the CGT community to get better and better and have as many artists pull together to help each other :)
Here is another great artist with very little views! https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/weapon-military/melee/sword-arador
I don't know how this happens but it needs to get fixed.
There is a lot of quality art out there that never makes it to the front page of CGT and it is still a mystery why that is but whenever I find something good I will put it up here.
If people want to help me that would be much appreciated!
Here is another artist worthy of notice! https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/vehicle/part/alloy-wheel-and-tire-concept
He makes some really cool car parts!
What a great idea here is one https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/plant-tree/other/handpainted-turntable-platforms
Here is another one... https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/furniture/lamp-light/lamp-1
Fantastic ! https://www.cgtrader.com/Iggy-design
https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/character-people/fantasy/chinese-dragon-head#tab-comments This dragon is amazing!
Here is another one that I really like https://www.cgtrader.com/lotet
Here is some great under water work:
Well done to"qqpt2084"
Thanks so much for sharing hknoblauch great artwork!
I really love this rigged cobra snake
Here are some more
Hey guys, check out these well built / modeled assets - great for quickly populating an urban scene
Exceptional custom additions on his cars that make them really stand out https://www.cgtrader.com/lehninger3d
Hey guys,
There's a good way to promote those works on pinterest, which also generates some traffic to models :)
Let me know if you'd like to be a part of it and I'll send you an invite to our Pinterest board which is dedicated on sharing great works by 3D artists - https://www.pinterest.com/cgtrader/3d-model-showcase/
Well, there's a "pin it button" extension, that works on Chrome, Firefox, IE, Safari and Microsoft Edge.
Basically, once you install the button, you can actually pin any image you see on a webpage.
You can also create boards with different content you want to save. Whether it's 3D art, motorcycles or anything else.
I.e. I just went to the https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/plant-tree/flower/waterlily-with-leaf page you've posted earlier and pinned it on our Pinterest board. You can now see the image on this board: https://www.pinterest.com/cgtrader/3d-model-showcase/ - and if you click on the image, it will expand the details and can lead you to the link of the model.
The board I've showed is already joined by some 3D designers we've invited, and they also post any 3D models they like for everyone to see.
The button integration is explained here according to the browser you use:
I'm also planning on writing a blog post with CGTrader insights into Pinterest at the beginning of next week. :)
I will try it out thanks. Do you know if any CGT buyers look at the Pinterest page?
Well, some of the buyers definitely use it, since I can see some transactions (not too many yet, but not 'nothing' as well) come from Pinterest referrals.
My first guess would be that it's more for new buyers coming in looking for some 3D models rather than already existing buyers.
Cool! Good to know this way hopefully more people will get sales! I like it :)
https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/games-toys/other/lotus--4 I am trying to work out pinterest but for now here is one more.
I tried posting on pinterest... Does anyone know if the images showed up there? https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/house/accessories/turtle-shell-c702806a-8eb7-478f-ac35-95d2366d6bbc
Ok sounds good thanks :)
Here are some more! Enjoy! If all goes well they will show on Pinterest too;
Hey guys and girls, check out these cool soldier accessories:
Hey guys, check out this leather satchel bag, really nice work
Cool! Thanks :)
Another great little art piece! https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/various/various-models/toon-garden-game-props
https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/space/spacecraft-sci-fi/sci-filight-fighter-x6 They should make this into a toy
Never seen shoes like these https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/fashion/shoes/art-nouveau-shoe
I have been posting on Pinterest does anyone know if any of my posts are making it on there? I think it should be working now.
https://www.cgtrader.com/atrik Lion Head
https://www.cgtrader.com/evozongamestudio Exciting cars
https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/architectural-exterior/landscape/lake-with-house-free This model should sell not sure why it is being given away for free...
Very interesting design on this character https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/character-people/other/knuckle-bear-toy
https://www.cgtrader.com/moclamv Some really cute models!
Really nice gallery! :)
Another one...
Does not get much better than a lion playing soccer! https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/art/sculptures/lion-sculpture--3
Do you know, I wish sometimes that when people link things in the forum, that a preview image would show up. I mean its great you guys have compiled this list... but now, as im reading it for the first time, i have no clue where to start if i wanted to check out things or w/e. But if every link had a preview image, then, i could just click on what im interested in personally and scroll past the rest. But me, obviously being a visually oriented person (as an artist) only see jumbles of letters in the forums sometimes, and so i just don't read things often. What you think?
Would my 3d peeps fit in the category? https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?author=humanalloy_com
These are very cool! Are they 3d models or scans?
I really like how they turned out! Do you guys also make them 3D printable?
https://www.cgtrader.com/poncell basket b player
I totally agree. Its a good idea.
https://www.cgtrader.com/jazzmanny I know it is a self-promoting plug to put you own link on here, but i think the work i have done should be shown to more people. I just created my site on here a few days and uploaded 22 models and counting so i hope people take the time to check it out. Some are full scenes made on there as well as low-poly models too.
Oh, really something unique? Can you be more specific? Any links to things to what you mean, then i could try to emulate them.
Here is an example.
Your every day boring typical couch. Now I am not saying it is bad but just does not fit this page.
Exciting couch that is unusual in design and fits this page.
Hope this helps explain things better.
Here is another.
Fun car concept fits this page.
Your typical 3d car. Technically well made but boring does not fit this page.
Thanks, i see i appreciate that
Thanks 3dartcritic! That's a really good way of explaining it!
Just wanted to give my friends a big shout out for working on some really cool projects with me over these past few weeks!
All of these are top notch artists who have helped me with different parts of my projects, Texturing, rigging, modeling, rendering, and preparing models for the
3D printing process.
If there are clients out there looking for great people, who are professional and get the work done well and fast then these are the guys you want!
Once again thanks guys for doing such a great job!!!
Adriano Sanna Helped with rigging and complex pose setup is also amazing with scripts and rendering
Devvan C. Sharp Helped with resizing and reconfiguration of 3D models for 3D printing and in the process of establishing final work ability for some of my 3D prints
Gurvinder Singh Sekhon Helped with resizing and reconfiguration of 3D models for 3D printing
Md Nesar Helped with vertex reconfiguration, hair modeling, texturing and rendering
Andrew Smith Helped with web design applications and rendering
Francesco Furneri Helped with rendering and texturing
https://www.cgtrader.com/Tosh innovative ideas for your house. Very well thought out products.
https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/fashion/other/floral-swirls-comb-printable printable combs wow nice decortions.
https://www.cgtrader.com/lowlypoly Really cool low poly designs!
https://www.cgtrader.com/kenzuyee_1 More fun models!
I think you forgot me on that list...
LOL! :)
https://www.cgtrader.com/stereomanik Fishies!
https://www.cgtrader.com/yuuva heey me too! :D
I have been character modeling for 3 years now, but for some reason, I have had literally zero interest from game dev studios (applied to about 50) , zero freelance business even though I'm up and available on 5 of the most popular ones, and zero sales on stock asset sites like this (although I just started here lol) I am not asking for everyone to flock to me and give me business, I just wanna be on the cool kids list, and be noticed. This community and website is really a refreshingly nice and easy experience so far, I have a feeling I'll be spending a lot of time here
Nice job marvimation
it's me lol :)
I was also expecting to see my link but from here, I really understood that I will need to improve my models more ;)
Thanks for this topic
Some of your models are very good and others need better rendering. That is very common on cgt. Sellers tend to have a large variation in quality some really good ones and some not so.
Merhabalar Semsa;
Teşekkür ederim, silahlar konusunda çalışmalara devam edeceğim, özellikle Low-Poly silahlar yapmaya çalışıyorum. Tank ve Uçak konusunda denemeler yaptım ancak tankların ikisinde de low-poly formatını tutturmam mümkün olmadı. Uçak modellerimi de neredeyse hiç beğenmediğimden yayınlamaya değer bulmadım :) ancak şu an hedefimde 20 adet silah daha var, onların modelleri tamamlandıktan sonra tekrardan uçak denemesine girebilirim. :)
Değerlendirmen için tekrardan teşekkür ederim.
You are welcome ! By the way check out this creative artist https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/furniture/lamp-light/diy-cat-decorative-light-lamp
You guys are awesome for participating in this post! Thanks so much for the help :)
Great Star Wars Weapons Models
Happy holidays Everyone!
Very cool! https://www.cgtrader.com/xtreme85
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year :)
I wish you all merry christmas and happy new year
Sorry about the multiple posts... Some glitch happened with my pc so it posted the same comment five times
Thanks Eduardas!!! You rock!!
Also here is another good artist https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/games-toys/toys/red-sports-car-concept#tab-comments
https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/hobby-diy/electronics/delta-elite-3d-printable-quadcopter 3d printable Quad parts!
My two favorite products I bought and printed!
https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/jewelry/rings/diamond-wedding-rings. https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/jewelry/rings/ring-heart-hands https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/jewelry/rings/diamond-and-sapphire-flower-ring https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/various/various-models/gem-stones-pack
please check my models.
https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/space/spaceship/kob-r4-lt good models but should not give them away for free!
Here is another great model! https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/aircraft/jet/shark-rider
Interesting many good models with low views, do none generic models get priority?
Unconventional models get priority in this thread. Extra points for not being exact copies of some other artists work.
I think vdr0id is new, but I just stumbled on him. He only has 2 products up so far, but they are exceptionally good! Check out his modular game level set and his other game asset collection =)
mmm ok ^D
mmm ok ^D
mmm ok ^D
Just wanted to promote my good friend Denis! He has made some really good models for me https://www.instagram.com/p/BTTkuRIBFyU/
https://www.cgtrader.com/cgmssteel check this :")
Great stuff! https://www.cgtrader.com/skaia
And very original! https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/vehicle/sci-fi/micro-machines
Wow I love the rendering!
Wow very creative work! https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/space/planet/planet-world-04
Beautiful coloring style https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/architectural/engineering/cartoon-sky-city-crystal-star
House made of Icecream sticks! Beautiful! https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/exterior/house/sticks-decorative-house#tab-comments
I don't want to self promote but, I have a couple high quality models. I just don't have many models posted yet and I am working on making more pictures for them. Sorry for the ruthless self promo.
I like the rendering on your hat Pamela!
Serendipity lol! Art is funny that way. So many great things happen just like that :)
Wow! Flying tank but super cool! https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/vehicle/sci-fi/tempest-hover-tank
And more specifically this product listing: https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/various/various-models/protogenetic-subculture-lowpoly-gameready-cyberpunk-collection
Absolutely incredible asset collection for game makers.
Detailed sewing machine
https://www.cgtrader.com/dusantrickovic take a look of my projects. i didtn sell enything :(
https://www.cgtrader.com/dusantrickovic take a look of my projects. i didtn sell enything :(
It is hard to sell 3D models in general but I noticed that you do not include wireframes of your models. That is an important tool you have to show off your modeling skills and buyers like to see that. It is also good to include more then just one render of your models. Another few factors that may be slowing down your sales is that you need to have at least 1000 views on a model to be lucky enough for it to be seen and also if you only have 10 models that also decreases your chances of it being found.
My favourite one since I love animals
https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/exterior/historic/polygon-pirate-pack another great set!
Some more amazing models! https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/electronics/other/digital-vintage-clock-radio-dreamliner-ii-3d-model Great creativity and craftmanship all around!
Great rendering game style art https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/various/various-models/rock-set-vol03-16-blocks
Can you see my profile? I dont have views
This is an important topic I wanted to share with all of you interested in 3D printing or buying a 3D printer.
I made all the mistakes and learned from them so you do not have to.
This robot is amazing... I really like it
can you check my projects :)
i dont have sells
hi everyone just join cgtrader recently, it's great to be here and hope i can make some passive income for the next years
This model is amazing!!!!!!!
see my project
If you like them, give me a like. Thanks
this is very helpful topic.. here is my project (;
Great Idea!
Heres a link to one of my new photogrammetry models:
And a new pillow collection:
Example of a great detailed sword with the only problem that it has an extreme poly count. I really like the detail and the fact it bring backs memories of the sword in the stone. It is worth creating a low poly version of the sword for 3d printing... perhaps I will make a similar model inspired by this concept https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/games-toys/other/sword-of-king
Hi guys,
We've uploaded 2 new barstool sets, all sets come in 3 sizes and various manufacturer colours which all included. We'll be releasing one more set and will then include them all into one collection, that is 4 sets in one collection with a reasonable discount.
Here's the first set we uploaded a while back:
All our texture sets are free too and we've also got some free models, please be sure it check it out. Enjoy!
Thank you very much 3dleader :)
Check these models:
Check this out! https://www.cgtrader.com/crosslances
Incredible art work! https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/exterior/landscape/painted-tiles-sleeping-forest
base meshes for sculpting https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/animals/fish/dolphin-base-mesh-d3f11016-85b1-4d7a-b994-a70befd4d935
Fully functional 3d printable butterfly knife https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-print-models/hobby-diy/hand-tools/balisong-3d-printable
Fun low poly models! https://www.cgtrader.com/havolk
High poly cars that rock! https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/car/sport/mclaren-p1-c687c018-9b4b-4885-8199-f9492d9a8c93
HI, what do you guys think about my models?
Bookmarked! I'll be reading down this list. Thanks in advance to OP and to all who have made a contribution to the thread!
RIGGED CANNON to be used in games and animations
Most are original concepts:
I was going to suggest they start a featured artist section. If not in the community section - at least in the forums. Also interviews with veteran industry pros (as part of that feature) is also interesting.
Hi there, i'm relatively new here. I also notice that i'm getting few views only. I've got almost 50 models now, most are highly optimized, full PBR 3d scans. Recently added viewer files, they look awesome in Marmoset (although i'm now getting black pages when trying to open the viewer files in the CGtrader frame, error?). I'd love to hear some feedback! https://www.cgtrader.com/hane3d
Example 3d scan: https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/scanned/various/india-tree-carving
Example self made (with Blender) model: https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/military/melee/roman-shield-scutum
Please take a look at my latest model, a set of 5 machetes for VR/GameReady, Thank you!
Hi, here other professional of 3D :D
Hey! This is a good idea!
It might look like self-promoting, but I share this account with my wife, and she is the one who made these cool 3d art. So I put it here, and you decide is it worth or not to include to your collection. ;)
This one have a good quality models i like it
Tôi nữa mua mẫu tôi đục CNC nội thất https://www.cgtrader.com/minhthietkead
Hello ! my Old Hammer
feel free to tell your opinion please,
Thanks (:
I would love to hear honest opinions of my page! I started 6 months ago uploading arch-viz models that i have made in the past hopefully helping some 3d artists like myself with some hard to find models that I couldn't find so i modelled myself : https://www.cgtrader.com/angymantilla
I artist 3D sculpture design. Classical architecture of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. Model of mirror frames, picture frames, exterior reliefs, beds, aluminum gates, decorative plaster ceilings. 3D model using CNC wood carving machine..Web home https://www.cgtrader.com/minhthietkead
Must allow adobe flash player to view:
need such models here?
..thanks for answers
Thank you in advance!
MEDIEVAL STYLE MODELS https://www.cgtrader.com/getdeadentertainment
Newhere Digital Toys:
On Sale Now!
Thanks for informing us about these great artworks. At the same time, if you do not mind, I just would like to share a form link from here :
Avatar AMP suit (Exoskeleton Robot)
Living room in the loft house. Will be glad if it ll be useful for you!
take a look at my models too!! :D
Friends look at my work too, it is clearly above average quality but there are not enough views
All my stores will be closing soon....(Except on my website) so if you want to buy anything, best to do it now in the links below (most sites have them at 50% or more off):
My "Newhere's Digital Toys" website (Beta which will still be selling products after all other stores on affiliated websites are closed):
If you want to view it without looking at it through the deviant art site, you can here (This is temporary until I get my own domain name finally setup to move it over there. This link is best viewed through opera, puffin, or some other "flash player web browser" other than google, firefox, etc.):
Also, still Working on the game "All The Glory" Which will be released hopefully within the next couple of years or so.
I hit the down button thinking it was a scroll down button... I'm so sorry. You're so cool. please forgive me!?
look at it! I hope you like it
Hey everyone! take a look my models, Thanks
Here is my last product
Hey. Thank you! Yeah. It tookme some time to complete. Thank you for appreciating it. Happy sales!!
Hey everyone! Take a look my models. Thanks!
Hi there Im newbie but trying my best thanks If u like :) https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/watercraft/historic/gameready-medieval-ship-with-interiors
Have a look if you want !
https://www.cgtrader.com/minhthietkead My shop sells 3D models of classical sculpture patterns for use in construction architecture, interior decoration, 3D models ready to run CNC sculpture machines. There are also art iron 3D models with 3D and 2D drawings: gate, balcony, staircase, dome, awning, iron furniture
Tôi sẽ thiết kế cho bạn mẫu bàn ghế ăn gỗ 3D SOLIDWORKS và có bản vẽ 2D kỹ thuật SOLIDWORKS, kích thước đầy đủ, phương án sản xuất ghế ăn cho nhà bạn hoặc bạn đang sở hữu dự án sản xuất ghế gỗ nhà hàng, văn phòng, trường học, chung cư ... Mình sẽ hướng dẫn các bạn tính định mức khối lượng gỗ sản xuất hàng loạt trên Excel cực nhanh.
Xem mẫu thao khảo https://www.cgtrader.com/gallery/project/design-3d-model-wooden-dining-chair-furniture
* Vui lòng nhắn cho tôi kèm theo hình ảnh Tôi nghĩ ra ghế ăn để tôi thiết kế cho bạn và báo giá bản vẽ!
i make pretty good models mainly starwars stuff pretty high quall and i have open hours from 8 am - 2pm EST
Hi Guys need feedback please
Here's a great Artist:
Check this Artist for highly textured SPACE content such as rockets, rovers etc.
Buy his amazing highly textured Perseverance Rover & Ingenuity Helicopter model here:
Hey everyone! Take a look my models. Thx!
why my beautiful chair is not here yet?! haha
go like it ASAP :))
Made a lot of 3d printing tutorials and 3D printing reviews for affordable printers on my YouTube that may help people get started in bringing their 3D models into the physical world. I love CG Trader!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_U05kev-o8&pbjreload=101
I make some great models for home decor, like planters and figurines. I also have some models that have been rigged up so you can pose them however you want. I have a fast response rate and look after my customers. Check out my profile: https://www.cgtrader.com/mattydee
please take me to this hype train, I've got sell only $20-50$ in mouth and i can't break this limit of income want to at least 100$ in mouth.
If You searching for some good quality, low poly models check my profile :D
Please visit my 3d model trade store https://www.cgtrader.com/minhthietkead
I could use some more views :)
I make stylized low poly characters, for the most part.
Thanks Miaomiao! I was actually thinking of raising the price.
This model of fred67’s is really nice, even though it is low poly. And really all of his model are good, I’ll add a link to them all here.
He deserves some views!
Open to criticism and highly encouraged to hear feedback.
Here is my page. Feel free to let me know what you think.
Here is also my link I just started a few days ago and I really want to know what you guys think https://www.cgtrader.com/jordannel
I love medieval content so my models are mostly like this. If someone have an advice or model idea , please let me know https://www.cgtrader.com/morelion
Why not if you're all doing it :D
If anyone wants to watch some virtual reality videos and rc vehicle experiments you can check out my YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQYmaO73KaM&list=UUMwksSw23LmGH-VB-Rr_iEg
Thanks for joining us SimonTGriffiths!
Self promote- will add tons of high quality game ready PBR model as soon as possible, https://www.cgtrader.com/rockydsign
Keep it up
Well, some of the buyers definitely use it, since I can see some transactions (not too many yet, but not 'nothing' as well) come from Pinterest referrals.
My first guess would be that it's more for new buyers coming in looking for some 3D models rather than already existing buyers. https://garagedoorsrepairnorfolk.com/garage-door-spring-repair/
Coupon for 15% off any order from my store, if youre looking for some cute figurines, or flower pots! C0CD0F2342AF
Hi everyone you can check our models, we are trying to create game-ready models on different concepts! https://www.cgtrader.com/thedusk
https://www.cgtrader.com/morelion trying to create a wild west town right now I hope you guys will like it
Thats great startup man.... Good luck : )
A very exciting go through, I may not agree completely, but you do make some really legitimate factors.
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Some really cool Star Wars stuff and other Sci-Fi Models for cheap: https://www.cgtrader.com/vsaturnvfx
Look my profile there are a lot of different models ! I hope you like them https://www.cgtrader.com/7ka
hello again! :D
https://www.artstation.com/rushidimber My ArtStation.
Creating animals base meshes including sea and extinct one.
2 High quality hard surface models. I haven't had a single sale, what should i improve?
2 High quality hard surface models. I haven't had a single sale, what should i improve?
Can I post my own account?)))
Here is a collection of temple models.
PS I am selfishly posting my own account, sorry.
Hi everyone you can check our models, we are trying to create a unique 3d game-ready assets like never seen before.
Here is the link:
Hello everyone, I'm also not reaching too many views!
Feel free to visit my models anytime!
i really appreciate CGtrader Community support :) Thank You
Thanks for visiting:
Hi! I create photogrammetric 3D models. Thanks for visiting :)
Can I shamelessly plug myself here please?
"That sounds like a fantastic initiative! Promoting talented artists who might not be getting the recognition they deserve can make a big difference. When starting your list, consider including key details like the artist’s portfolio, unique aspects of their models, and how viewers can support or follow their work. Sharing this list across social media and relevant platforms can help boost their visibility and appreciation. Best of luck with your project!"
That sounds like a fantastic initiative! Creating a platform to spotlight talented artists who might not be getting the recognition they deserve can make a big impact. How do you plan to gather and promote these artists? youcineapkpremium.com
ayo! :) take a look at my models :) if you want 1 free then contact me :)
Everything is free here.
Everything is free here.
Great idea, love it!
Great idea, love it!
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