rendering in pbr which is the best softare to render

Discussion started by 512pixel

which are the best render engines for rendering pbr .. Develope your 3d assets in substance pianter.... which better render in the blelnder, 3ds max , unreal engine ..... which better to get render for pbr materials on a model ?


Posted over 3 years ago

The whole point of PBR materials is that they appear the same in all render engines. You are best presenting it in the software you know best for lighting/rendering.

512pixel wrote
here my pbr glass and worn metal ( i dont think this will look the ssme in 3ds . Ive not tried them in vray ( i use substance painter ( never get a good render a pbr outside )i font have vray think i might download vray......
Posted over 3 years ago

here my pbr usbstance painter .. gass worn metal my smart materials ideveloped....this in susbtance painter ...not rendered out side ... that why i was thinking learning unreal engine ( not sure if that just game engine just for developers or used render engine show case pbr

Posted over 3 years ago

if there engine thhat can buld biig 3d scene s and get good pbr results ,,,, silly of me start learning unreal engine ,,,,

wouterr wrote
Unreal Engine is awesome!
Posted over 3 years ago

Thats simply user error. I have some blogs on this showing how to get parity between blender cycles, 3dsmax vray, 3dsmax corona. Ive also replicated the exact setup in cinema4D physical engine. As long as you input the textures into the correct locations with the correct gamma it should just work.

3dsmax to blender:

vray to corona (short guide):

vray to corona (long guide):

Posted over 3 years ago

If your render in 3dsmax does not look like it does in substance, you have missed a step.

512pixel wrote
i don t have vray or corona ..... i have download them
Posted over 3 years ago

thank you 3d cartgo ..... you answswered the question and helped ... now i understand need vray or coroan ( to get the pbr 2 work in 3ds max

Posted over 3 years ago

nice hav e rad on those posts u left cheers ,,, need to get vray 3ds max 2017

Posted over 3 years ago

Like I said, it doesnt matter what you render in, it should all look the same. I have also tested this same pipeline in Unreal Engine with the HDRI from Substance and it looks the same as vray, cycles, corona, physical engine, evee etc.

512pixel wrote
yes all those engine are not scan line mental ray
Posted over 3 years ago

your saanswer corona ( i dont have ) vray ( i dont have ) unral engine i looking at leaning based on this pbr ... based on which would render thefaster ,,,,, i had vray befofre great engine realstic results ,,,, far better than scan line rednder 3ds max

Posted over 3 years ago

nott he same results based on had make it look wierd in substanc eget right in unreal

Posted over 3 years ago

Scanline doesnt support PBR materials. I dont know about Mental Ray since its now depreciated so I suppose not.

Posted over 3 years ago

the gine for me making tweaks ,,,, i jsutdont want the customer have to make tweaks when trying sell them what we provide in the image that good rendeer. if they cant get the same results this can affect our r score or reputation .... when it was fdown how they used the model

Posted over 3 years ago

Look, as hard as it is to read your text since most of it is spelled incorrectly... if I understand you then if you are just selling the materials then why not just provide the substance files / substance render and textures? Most 3D software has a substance plugin/bridge now which does all the hard work for the customer and inputs all the textures into the correct places for them.

512pixel wrote
sorry buffy carpal tunnel at he minute i m trying avoid much typing as possible ... still workig so not easy as the foc sys rest .......typo not correcting based on fingers .. hurt
Posted over 3 years ago

the doc says rest ... kindas not checking ... just typing as speak once my finger s heal will take more care .....

Posted over 3 years ago

i do apoligise ,,,,,, mean the uploads on her ekillling me also the discussion on spsm files at the minute an d how uploading objs affect final score rating ......... which think need to changed ... this stop finger hurting

Posted over 3 years ago

If you need something just to render your PBR models for presentation (sale) i suggest you to get marmoset toolbag it's subscription is 14.99$ a month or 299$ for permanent licence, it's a very straight forward software good for beginners.

Posted over 3 years ago

So, here is an aswer totally off the wall. Recently,

I've been playing with Maverick because it directly reads an *.sbsar file, as well as Painter and typical Substance Designer files. It is an interesting render engine - with an extremely short learning curve. The drawback is that it is only for Windows user who have an NVidia RTX video card. I don't have this card yet, but I ca get it to work with my nVidia GTX 1080 card, once I put on the latest drivers.

Just thought you folks might want to know about Maverick, since it literally the only rendering engine I know that directly reads an *.sbsar file.

Posted over 3 years ago

Marmoset Toolbag v4 is awesome.
I use it for my PBR renderings and happy.
Sure Corona or V-Ray can make much better look renderings, but when you need make lot of renders in one day, Marmoset do his job.

Posted over 2 years ago

Depends on your HARDWARE! my friend.
I have 3 x workstations, one with 128 gb ram and a gast CPU and some Quadro. No matter which render I pick, the rendertimes are always horrible, even when disabling thousands of "standard" calculations. Once purchased Marmorset Toolbag, I was like BOOM! fuck all another renderers.
Try out, you will see and feel it.
So, an Amen to PhantomG and HQ3DMOD - they had as first the best of all advices for you and I can confirm it 100%, it will boost your rendertimes and rendering quality, my friend. I hope it helped you!

512pixel wrote
iwas like forgoet allover renders as welll.... i have models which customer would like to matched /similar, to my marmoset reender ,, In cinema 4d ,, below are my marmoset renders and find it great render fast developing pbr ,,, not sure popular as discussed with customer ..Vvytocp 2022-07-02 06:30 I(f I purchase this model, will it come ready to render out of C4D? or will I have to piece the parts together to create the model that's in the picture?) i had asnwer no ... said i will now try match the scene developed inmarmoset now ciname 4d...( iw as thinking maybe i should dveloped in ythe unreal engine easy a bigger market
Posted over 2 years ago

my marmoset renders
scene costomer wants matrched cinema 4d - they aslo like my ship yard

maybe the unreal engine would have been more polular choice with 1 click load file ,,, as marmoset 1 click file based on that customer not poular ,,

Posted over 2 years ago

my marmoset renders
scene costomer wants matrched cinema 4d - they aslo like my ship yard

maybe the unreal engine would have been more polular choice with 1 click load file ,,, as marmoset 1 click file based on that customer not poular ,,

Posted over 2 years ago

my marmoset renders
scene costomer wants matrched cinema 4d - they aslo like my ship yard

maybe the unreal engine would have been more polular choice with 1 click load file ,,, as marmoset 1 click file based on that customer not poular ,,

Posted over 2 years ago

my marmoset renders
scene costomer wants matrched cinema 4d - they aslo like my ship yard

maybe the unreal engine would have been more polular choice with 1 click load file ,,, as marmoset 1 click file based on that customer not poular ,,

Posted over 2 years ago

sorry slow internet connection so it posted mutiple times ,,, there only found this out this weekend ,based on marmoset renders

Posted over 2 years ago

No, I am 100% sure that marmorset is always the best option to "render" something, and for sure when it comes to presentation.
Don´t forget a game engine is a relatime-calculator, that has to render not only your mesh correctly, but also the shadows, collisions and calculate a lot of other stuf wthin the same FRAME. It can barely render everything in realtime to visualize some 50 fps with tons of assets and scripts. It must render everything again and again each frame, and you won´t be able to achieve such rendering quality as in Marmorset, never! It is also about AA and sampling. Unreal, Unity, no engine can achieve such a super clean and super sharp AA and sampling, Marmorset is simpy without any competition when it comes to "presentation" of models.

512pixel wrote
did you see my links tha tposted
Posted over 2 years ago

this not suitable for this particualr pseron , they want to buy my model .. it wont load the same in cinema 4d . i have to mess around wiht 4d to try match the same render agree marmoset i am find ing quicker for pbr why i switched to it .. issue is ot going to suit all all sales... why person cg trader aksed the following question
If I purchase this model, will it come ready to render out of C4D? or will I have to piece the parts together to create the model that's in the picture?

Posted over 2 years ago

this not suitable for this particualr pseron , they want to buy my model .. it wont load the same in cinema 4d . i have to mess around wiht 4d to try match the same render agree marmoset i am find ing quicker for pbr why i switched to it .. issue is ot going to suit all all sales... why person cg trader aksed the following question
If I purchase this model, will it come ready to render out of C4D? or will I have to piece the parts together to create the model that's in the picture?

Posted over 2 years ago

the answer is no it wont upload the same ,, i was unable to sell the model

Posted over 2 years ago

i have tryed match similar verion cinema 4d ,,, yes im finding slow not getting the same match up ... based on they dont render in marmoset 4 ,,means they wont get the same results unless they nknow how to set up there lighting......based on that 1 email that could affct this models sales ...opened my eyes

Posted over 2 years ago

i am trying match something i built to try cater for other users of 3d... i think if they used unreal engine might have success, rate .. question now based on models sales .popular render ... i agreee im finding marmoset faster ... it my goto now .... could it affect slaes ,,,it may based on that email

Posted over 2 years ago

i say clinet peron who sells on cg trader and emailed me like purchase the model wants the same results in 4d ....( hetyy im bransdd new user to 4d looking gi light portals ect in 4d .. not being a good success rate ,,

Posted over 2 years ago

i say clinet peron who sells on cg trader and emailed me like purchase the model wants the same results in 4d ....( hetyy im bransdd new user to 4d looking gi light portals ect in 4d .. not being a good success rate ,,

Posted over 2 years ago

its old post to be fair ,,,posted this couple month back agree marmoset is faster render that ive used ,,, realy quick espiacily when ray tracing clicked ,,, depth feilds fast repsonsive ... my go to render..

Posted over 2 years ago

"did you see my links tha tposted"
Sure I did. Container look good to me.

You also are not responsible for what a buyer does with your models after its sold.
As seller you have the freedom to present your models in the best possible way, and the buyer has no right to expect identical results when he is not capable to reproduce or to produce a good ighting, good shader manegement etc.
If I sell a stock asset done for real-time, than the buyer is responsible for the implementation, lighting, shading, coding in his game project, not me or you as the seller. We just sell models or assets, we don´t develop the projects of the buyer.
I would upload all that stuff from Marmorset an PENG. You can write that this renderings are done with Marmorset using i.e. a PBR roughness workflow, and that´s pretty it. Everything else is not your business.

512pixel wrote
i know im not repsonsible ,,,,,,,thety like the same render when they buty the model iwas just honest with them ,,, icould ied say yes you open it be the same results,,.. iwas honest and saaid it have to be set up,, unless ur use the model which was renderd the file i used,,,, theobj we know come in grey format they hacve set up lights ect ,, it not fair to get something that not as advertised..they get close ..i said i will lookinto cinema 4d . see if can set it up for u ,,,im looking for the same methods i used now try provide them simlar verion in the app they use,,.... itn marmoset are got good results ,,, no the shipping container they like it the warwe house ... walls ,,,,,i think they just want open it add there features later,,, if they dont have marmoset.. cinema 4d gi , depth field , bloom ect to getthe light affect,,if they dont do that not gonna have the same llook,,,,it showed me that sales may be missed out based on were it render ,,, or they never ask the question,,,,not setup every thing ,,just 4d 4 now.... its not fun matching something that ive already rendered ...
Posted over 2 years ago

I hear you here ,,dont think they hbe happy

As seller you have the freedom to present your models in the best possible way, and the buyer has no right to expect identical results when he is not capable to reproduce or to produce a good ighting,

Posted over 2 years ago

i understand what ur saying itis bit of siuatuion

Posted over 2 years ago

"dont think they hbe happy" - They can build a big game, mega-project, what ever on them own, they can make everything themself, music, SFX, cinematics, coding, VFX, shaders, lighting, enviroments, props, characters, rigging of chars, rigging of cars, animation, synchronization, marketing, promotion, everything themself! than voila, they don´t have to buy it here. This is called "Stock Asset Market" here. No one is forced to buy anything.

512pixel wrote
i agree with you .
Posted over 2 years ago

People have to realize once and for all that replicating the same look of a single pbr model across multiple platforms/softwares/engines is imposible, because every single platform/software/engine interpret PBR in their own way. You can't achive marmoset look in C4d or VRAY or anywhere else by just loading model as is, shaders aren't the same, lights aren't interpreted the same, there is tone of stuff that is different and matters big time. Some people would be suprised how many custom pbr shaders i wrote in order to achieve certain look. The problem described by 512pixel is of other nature, it doesn't have anything to do with pbr or 3d graphic in general. The problem is that during the evolution of 3d models marketplace (in my opinion) a very bad trend is formed, and that is customer assumption that the model you are selling must look exactly like in renders no matter in wich software is loaded and what render is used. In other word they expect that they are buying what they see, (a lot of buyers are beginners and have almost no clue what they are doing) and a lot of time you will get the negative review and refund because of this, and if you try to explain to them, they won't listen because "customer is always right" right ? The only problem marmoset have is that no matter what you load in it, the end result will look good, of course if you know what are you doing. It is made specifically for presentation and nothing else.

Posted over 2 years ago

That´s right.

"a very bad trend is formed, and that is customer assumption that the model you are selling must look exactly like in renders"

I see it the same way.

How the hack in the world could a buyer expect that? I mean he/she is either a total NOOB or just dumb.
And I neither discuss with noobs nor dumbs.

You sell a 3d model i.e. for games, that is perfectly realtime optimized within your work. You offer textures for a PBR workflow. You explain anything to the potential buyer what you have in mind being important to know for the buyer. And of course, you present your asset in the best possible way that is technically possible for you showing its potential, possibilities, and a possible look and mood. You can´t do anything more. Anything after the sale is in the responsibility of the Artist and Coder that will implement this *******STOCK ASSET****** into their engine.

"they won't listen because "customer is always right" right ?"
Here is the issue. CGTrader should not penalize a seller, because a buyer is dumb as toast. This is not a reason for a refund. Happening several times, then sellling only somewhere else.

"It is made specifically for presentation and nothing else."
Yes indeed. And from my POV the most important thing is AA and sampling. I was rendering since the beginning of 3d, with all renderers that came, fail and came and fought their way to be established. Brail, Final Render, everything. And not one of them, even with a Tesla for GPU rendering could achieve such sampling and AA in such super short rendertimes. As seller, I simply don´t have the time anymore for time consuming renderings of models. If you don´t turn AA on and all that circus maximus stuff in your render setup, the model can be amazing, but will look shitty in your rendering. Do I want it? no, because nobody will buy it. Do I render it with better exifs, I will end up with rendering of 20 x high-res images for a model 1 or 2 weeks. So there is absolutely no option for me as Marmorset, and as I see, every month more and more CG artist that are "Old School" like me, go for and purchase the Marmorset licences, instead of rendering in their timeconsuming render setups within Corona, Vray etc. So if Marmorset is the future that´s already here, than we have to bring potential buyers down - onto the earth again.

PS: and all that madness for these some bucks.. we´re on a low budget platform here.

LowPolyVehicles wrote
What people also don't understand, is that render is there just to show what can be achived using particular 3d model. Nowdays buyers don't want to bother with anything, and as you said all that madness for some bucks, and it's too low amount of bucks for what some talented people sell here. As far as platform goes, I think that this platform isnt managed properly from the start and this is the result.
Posted over 2 years ago

Dumping prices are a problem of its own. Since almost 1.5 years it got really bad within stock assets distributing platforms, look at Artstation. But CGT rows perfectly in. But that is not neccessary issued in the management, because the artists themself do such dumping prices. They go so low, low as a train station whore. Sometimes, I have the feeling they would go even lower, if Artstation, CGT would allow it.
On another hand, take a look at in example Dosch3D. They have almost the same prices since many, many years. And they don´t sell themself like train station whores, prices are muc, much more higher than adveraged prices on CGT or somewhere else. So... the best what can be done is some sort of creating an USP. An unique selling point that only you can achieve on daily basis, that makes you unique and one-of-a-kind in relation to all that train station whores.
But it is quite a hard work to build up such a folio. And I don´t know if it is worth it on the end of the day. Hence, sort of dark times in terms of that.

Posted over 2 years ago

In terms of prices a sentence more; as I wrote, it´s not neccessarly issued in the management, because CGT has most probably no interest, when artists sell their stuff at dumping prices. Because they make a lower cut then. So..

Posted over 2 years ago

Argh and something else here.
If you have a buyer who is professional developer or professional cg artist, who is simply in the situation, that he can´t create every single model on his own for a mega project, with "sporty deadlines" -- like for... yesterday.... than he of course will buy the asset for a fair price. I did it so very often, and also my collegues, no matter if designers, coders or magement, we bought. But that´s just because we are professionals and we know that we buy a stock asset, and we SEE what of this asset is capable on the first eye.
But most buyers are as you wrote, noobs... and noobs don´t buy higher as $10 or $15. Sometimes they do for like 35 but than they are mega super pissed off.
So... also this is a problem.
Too much noobs on the platform, to less professional developers as buyers!

512pixel wrote
i agree pricing dropped sso low that market is closing coming free platform . i agree
LowPolyVehicles wrote
The main problem when it comes to prices is, as I like to call it "unnecessary competition" by this, I mean thieves, people who came here to sell 3d models stolen from video games, stolen from other artist etc. The problem is that you can't compete with them, because they just put 100% accurate laser scanned model of, lets say a car stolen from video game on sale and set price of 2-3-4-5$ but the real price of something like that is 200$-500$-1000$. To an honest artist this is far from acceptable. First in order to match the quality of something like that, it require a lot of time which is not cost effective if you plan to sell that for 5$, but if you decide to put a real price on it, it won't sell because, hey buyer can find that same model in a very accurate form for 5$, of course buyer doesn't know that he/she is buying a stolen stuff. Couple of times i get into a situation where buyer accused me of trying to rip him off because he found a much better model for 5$, of course model from Need for speed, and when i told him that he just vanished. Later I have found out that he used that stolen model in his mobile video game because its better to pay 5$ than 50$, so imagine what would happend if i report him to Electronic Arts for selling their stolen property ? This is the main reason why prices are so low. If you just go 3d models-car-newest on that first page every single model is stolen I can guarantee you that. Its not just cars, same goes for everything else, planes, tanks, shark, cats etc. Cgt should do something about it but they just don't care as long as money is flowing. If thief sell a model and someone report him, or they themselves (cgt) discover that he/she is a thief, they just ban him/her and keep all of their money earned by selling stolen models, wich in my opinion shouldn't be done, that money should be returned to those people who buyed those stolen models. Other problem that is discussed on other active forum topic is thief re-registration, no matter how many time cgt ban them they keep coming back, so what you think why is that happening ....?
Posted over 2 years ago

"market is closing coming free platform"
LOL. yeah. Working on behalf of others for free, that´s the future right...

Posted over 2 years ago

"........of course model from Need for speed" - by the way, I like you car assets.
As I wrote, I personally don´t discuss with dumps and noobs. You can´t heal dumps, you can´t heal stupids, you can´t heal noobs.

"If you just go 3d models-car-newest on that first page every single model is stolen I can guarantee you that."
Yey maby it is so as you say.
But what I´ve discovered, and this almost everywhere in exception of Turbosquid, so also on Renderhub.. is that no matter what kind
of asset, it can be a DAZ extension, or a high-res tank in high quality, or even a realtime optimized HQ car, they offer it all under
10 bucks, most something around 5-8 bucks to draw the moest attention. The relation of the asset quality to the price is completely
unnatural and abnornal. Even provocative and it seems noticeable that the artist is either as you say thief and copyright violator or
a trainstation whore.
On the other hand, with such prices for such assets, there will be tons of sales to noobs.

Look also on the line with "trending models" under your product, that is showed up by CGT. Most of them are these from the "Top selling" sector, and also these are most of the time around 10 bucks and not 1 cent more.

So.. the trend to dumping prices, no matter if for stolen assets or not, is evident.

LowPolyVehicles wrote
"by the way, I like you car assets", thank you, I started doing those "background" vehicles some time ago, as it turned out they sell a lot better than high poly stuff. "The relation of the asset quality to the price is completely unnatural and abnornal." This is the key, who will waist their time modeling hq model in order to sell that for 5-8-10$. For example one HQ car need at least couple of weeks in order to be done properly. As far as price dumping, I agree, of course there must to be some, either because of competition or because of economy itself. P.S. 15$ is too low for that ec130, it's more like 50$.
Posted over 2 years ago

Background verhicals are to be honest more edgy, less polys, more like ultra lowpoly, these days games get more polys, so BG objects maybe already accepted in their meaning also when being lowpoly. Your cars are definitely HQ gameready, less suitable for background, more for the foreground. Need for speed has a lot of cars idling on the streets around you with such topologies, even when you don´t have an interior.
In terms of my own prices, I hought quite a time about them, and to be honest I´m totally frustrated with that and I don´t have a solution. Compared prices across practically all platforms, Turbosmooth, Renderhub, Artstation, 3DExport, CGT. And really, it´s like the wild wild west. But either we value ourself, so our own work, or we go the way of a train station whore. If we ourself don´t value our work, that manidestates then in the endprice, then who will?
The after the heli I was supposed to pick prices oriented on Turbosmooth, and most probably I will steer in this direction in future, even when not making
sales on CGT, since as I wrote, this is a LOWBUDGET platform with price dumpers.
However, I sold some of the helis here on CGT just @ $15 and not one cent more, but under my old brand, i have rebranded in last time. Right now, no sales anymore.

Forester wrote
OK, enough on this topic. The problem of customers demanding more than should be expected IS truely frustrating. ...But, ... enough on the "train station whores," " noobs," and "dummies" language. We all started out ignorant. I can still remember when I could not make models, some 30 years ago. I was dependent on the good graces of those that could. A spirit of a little charity toward all customers is more becoming of a "professional."
Posted over 2 years ago

I was called that way in this business as I started some 30 years ago. But you are right, the language is spinning away. However, out of frustration.

But "charity" being "professional", I don´t agre.. Charity is something for the rich, that can afford charity.
The only thing that is professional is fairness, but not to create an own disadvantage, or a disadvantage for the buyer.

So the only spirit I am missing here is fairness, less "charity". Hence, good luck with your attidude of thinking, Forester.

Posted over 2 years ago


CG Trader is not a CHARITY platform.

It is a BUSINESS platform.

Posted over 2 years ago

OK, we can agree to "disagree." But, it might help to remember that this is an open forum - customers read these posts frequently. If you are most concerned with your business prospects, please give some thought to the attitude you are displaying toward your customers. Hopefully, these last comments are so very far down in the weeds that no potential customer is reading this.

Posted over 2 years ago

So wrong on so many levels.

As you wrote, we agree to "disagree". I also doubt this thread is your business.

Most of the averaged customers, including MY customers, are smart nice folks and hard working developers who buy (also from me) because they don´t have the time to develop everything on them own.
My customers are happy with my models, never a refund or negative comment, no matter on which stock assets distributing platform.
So, it is a nasty lie and impudence from you, that you accuse me that I write here about MY customers. No I did not.
Nevertheless that does not change the fact that there are a lot of stupids, with a strong uptrend, no matter if selling or buying. It has to be said and will be said, and that exactly n that language, and not in a woke langauge like you probably like.

Also, I doubt that a happy buyer is more important than a happy seller within this forum. Without happy sellers no happy buyers.

I also doubt that buyers have the time to "read threads on this forum", most of them don´t have any models uploaded, they are just logged in to buy something and leave immediately, because they have to work.
You are completely wrong if you think they are inrested in problems of sellers reading all that time consuming threads, just because they don´t have anything else to do and are otherwise completely bored.

In the case you reanswer again putting your nose in not your business and accusing me again of something, like terrorism, environmental pollution, or whatever, you will be ignored wild boar.

Posted over 2 years ago

Sorry you feel this way and apologies for making you distressed. I participated in this thread early on, much before you, ... so am being notified whenever there is a post on it. That's how it became my business.

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