not able t understand... issue correctly
can you share screenshots... almost all my models are render in vray I havent face any problem...
А как тут скиншот скинуть?
После первого раунда загрузки модель имеет полностью черные материалы
Please help me, I passed the first round,but when uploading to the site, the materials become black (Vray), although the fbx file is with them.I checked it in many programs(Paint 3d, blender)
not able t understand... issue correctly
Not able to understand anything.... Use English.
Pee pee
can you give more details?
Your problem is not clear. But I can share with you how to upload models & related things to CGTraders. You can directly upload a model file such as .blebder, .fbx.
render image also can upload directly
for materials and texture files, you can make a zip file and upload the zip as a texture/materials.
Most easy and simple 3D model uploading system compering to other marketplaces.
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