I see that there are more than 4 models on that profile that you are the original author off, report (report via mail) those and this profile should be gone... again... The problem is, that I personally banned this exact account 2-3 times so far, "using" your models for report and as soon as it's banned it come back with the same models. The only way that you can prevent selling of yours models its to keep an eye on it. It's sad that CGT policy towards thieves is like this, cgt require 4 solid proven stolen models in order to take into consideration banning someone. Why I'm saying "take into consideration", it's because they won't ban everyone who sells stolen models. There are accounts here who used to have over 20 stolen models, and even after prooving that all of them are stolen cgt refused to ban them, so they are still here doing their bussines, destroying honest artist bussines, it is what it is.