As far as im aware, top designer is achieved through reputation score which is reset weekly. If someone has top designer but no models chances are they have got reputation score through buying lots of models and getting rep that way.
I'm wondering why CGTrader Top Designers feature is not retrieving adequate results.
For instance this guy
https://www.cgtrader.com/brockc is in the second place but he has 0 uploaded models.
Here is another malfunctionalities I found in this website. You should improve the service and the reliability.
As far as im aware, top designer is achieved through reputation score which is reset weekly. If someone has top designer but no models chances are they have got reputation score through buying lots of models and getting rep that way.
@ teression92 Are you really interested in knowing how CGtader works?
If you buy a model you get reputation. Thats all.
Brockc is a buyer not a seller.
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