1. Log in
2. type this in the address bar:
(...close the Terms of Service and you are good to go...)
As I remember, website had analytics section. But now I can't find it. Is it removed?
1. Log in
2. type this in the address bar:
(...close the Terms of Service and you are good to go...)
Thanks a lot. How come I can't access it by click?
I also noticed that small analytics snippet disappeared from dashboard page. I wonder if that means that cgtrader decided to retire this feature.
I found that the analytics section is hidden under chain button near "Upload" button.
It's a good thing that CGT informs us about the UI changes, so you don't have to spend your free time looking for transposed functions.
And the bubbles with helpful info if you hover over an icon you have no idea what it is for, are also the tokens that they care.
Not to mention how active they are on the forum, so you don't feel ignored...
thnks! i was looking around about this!
@btbt wrote 25 days ago
Nice one
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