"After a sale how to get a review of your model?"
Probably the most difficult part of a sale - after a sale.
Because most buyers don´t care about coming back and "rating".
They just need something urgently for a project within their company and they disappear for a time, they just "piss off" after downloading.
I personally bought many models on CGT and elsewhere, in a mega - MEGA! - hurry, pushed by multiple projects, by my CEO, by my collegues, no time to rate something or talk to the seller, knowing, it was just 1 x small fragment of what I need for the project´s PRE!-production. So............... see it with the buyer´s eyes.
Hence, I agree with JimPlatt, sending anything to the buyers doesn´t bring them back to rate the item. Even sending a message with a created 70% discount for 1 x next purchase with limited time period doesn´t work, I tested that already on 10 buyers.
However, I personally have just a very small and limited portfolio on CGT, maybe it works for other vendors with a big and better portfolio.
JimPlatt, do not run after the buyers... it seems not to work out, also not for me, and some other vendors.
Rather, try to give them a sort of added value or whatsever.
I curently try out if rendering templates in MT4 work out for highres-assets, and Unity packages will work out for realtime-assets,
this additional work is a test, and I work into the black..... but maybe such things bring the buyers back, and they are glad to rate... who knows.