Ring in five minutes with plugin RhinoRing

Discussion started by OlegJ3DM

Do not judge strictly. This is my first lessons. I think you than it helped. Leave your comments.

My youtube channel !  


Posted over 10 years ago

Good clear video. Little slow start.
Shame there's no audio, but understand.

Some comments anyway:
- Music copyrighted? Then don't use it.
- Music NOT copyrighted? Then don't use it ..... < does not help to add any credibility, nor enjoyment for the viewer.
- When still want to add music try to mind the following: keep volume low, keep tempo of music low (or in-sync with content)
- maybe text lay-over instead of spoken audio? I always find this clarifying and prefer it over none.

keep it up.

Posted over 10 years ago

Thank you for your comments. I have in mind.

Posted over 4 years ago

RhinoRing is still alive?

Posted about 4 years ago

Could You answer?

Posted about 4 years ago

Could You answer?

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