how to solve scale different problem in 3d printing STL files (simple step, easy)

Discussion started by alovrio


I am currently learning about 3d printing 


I'm sorry if this topic is a repost (i'm new member and I dont know lot of tutorial that have been posted ) 


I'm posting this because some people might still have problem with dimension error when output his design into stl file

ok, lets go to the point :)

I know some of you have 'problems' with scale error when making 3d files, specially when you work with different software (3dsmax -> goz zbrush / dazd) 

we will often get scaling error . why ?? 

because each software have their 'own units setting' (so the scale of your model will change if you not exporting in correct setting)

I won't give further explanation about this units (I don't know how to explain it --> lollollol)

i will just show you a very 'simple' way to correct this problems 

lets just say I'm creating box with 20mmx10mmx10mm

this box 

then , I'm gonna export this box as STL. 

and try to put in my printing software ( I'm using repetier host)

and.. WTH? why is my box so small??? 

argh , lets fix this!! :D 

I know that my dimension is correct (10x20x10) / (1x2x1)

so, in this case im just have to 'scale' it right? 

okay . here is the tool that i'm using 

the name is [Autodesk Meshmixer]

you can download it here

lets just open our stl file in meshmixer (klik import / drag-drop your stl file)

and re'scale' it by clicking Analysis -> Units/Scale 

now we know the 'real' dimension of our box, its 0.787mm x 0.393mm x 0.393mm!!! (lol)  

just scale it to the dimension that we want (10mmx20mmx10mm)

I know the longest part (0.787) is 20mm 

when I put  20 and press enter, the other will fit automatically 

klick done

now we get our 10x20x10 box now! (im so happy that my box now is in correct scale - tears)

now we can export this file (as stl)

and see if its is in the correct scale 

 now our scale are corrected. (each grid is 10mmx10mm) 

sorry for my bad english

I hope this tutorial will useful for you

Happy 3d printing!!!

note : 

with mesh mixer, you can also do = mesh repair / remesh / orientation / add support structure / cut  / and lot of other fun thing

I think this is powerfull tool 


Posted almost 10 years ago

This is where you get it right?

Thanks for the tutorial! I have been wanting to learn the basics for quite a while :)

Posted almost 10 years ago

Also found this one that looks useful too

Posted almost 10 years ago

I'm glad that this information is useful for you :) , the youtube channel explain the other things in my note XD
thankyou for the url correction

Posted almost 10 years ago

here's how i do with 3D Studio Max:
Customize nenu -> Unit Setup -> Metric: > Centimeter

create a object Helper choose "tape"

specify a length in tape tool (ex 10 cm)

resize the model with the length of the tool tape

export your object into STL format.

Posted almost 10 years ago

well... not everyone get this error >.< ,
in my case, it doesn't matter if my metric units is mm / cm .
my max always send the stl output using inch
so when i export my 3dsmax will 'forced' to use inch scale
but the scale is writen into milimeters
10m / 1cm units the output is same 0.393701" (0.393701mm lol -> if using cm then it will become 0.393701cm)
that's why I'm getting those error
I'm sure some of people out there will get confuse if they get this kind of error

that's why I made this tutorial :)
and hopefuly they can still print their design with correct scale
even getting those problems

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