Blender 3D cycles render

Discussion started by narkr

Hello ! I am Narek Blender 3D artist ! In this forum you can add your Blender 3D cyles render nodes. Believe it to be Blender 3D artists ! Plz add render result and node editor ! Thanks for adding comments )


Posted over 8 years ago

yes thanks , i work with blender, and i know a lot of tricks with rendering, cycles even blender render, i put som of them i my models.

Posted over 8 years ago

Oh thanks for answer ) I need blender cycles render node editor with normal map, bump map and difuse map (3 in 1 ). I want render with transparency nodes and use 3 maps (difuse , normal , bump maps ). You have such node for it ?
Thnaks )

Posted over 8 years ago

I recommend you watch these models

and there's so much to come , i am working in a bilding where i will need to use bump map in cycles render, some like you gonna see bricks ,with volumes of bricks, but will there only a plane there. i acept sujestions.

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