Will Cgtrader change my model's verification score if I update my files?

Discussion started by origamihouse

Ive just corrected the things that made my score quite low. Actually it's 0%. But Ive had so many views already that I dont want to start over again, I just want to change the file. So will CGTrader change the verification score if the files are already corrected? Thanks.


Posted 11 months ago

Ive updated about 10 models in the last 4 months, none of them got a new updated verification score, they still were either what they were before or 0% even though ive updated it to all the new standards. Ive completely lost hope in their new verification score system.

3DCargo wrote
Ive also released new files since then and they are listed as N/A. Previously the verification system would give me feedback within the hour (when it first was released). Now it seems like it does nothing at all. Another half baked idea in my opinion which may never be fixed according to similar situations on CGT over the last few years. Not trying to come off negative, just giving my experience and opinion on what I see on a daily basis. I do hope they fix it, but I dont live my life on hopes and dreams. To add to this my "Public Profile" is not even updated anymore as it seems, such a mess, I hope its only temporary if they need to fix some IT issues or something.
lasthawk wrote
Looks like some kind of update... All my models for 3d print received N/A rating. Even those which previously had a normal rating.

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