Why can't my buyers comment on my 3D model?

Discussion started by DIL3Dstudio

Even though I click the (Write a comment) button in the menu where my buyers can comment on my 3D model, it doesn't go to the next step....


Posted about 2 months ago

Scroll down to bottom of comments. The entry section appears there.

Posted about 2 months ago

yes, I also can’t write a comment, the button doesn’t work and there is no field to write a comment, please fix it!!!

TazMan2000 wrote
To get problems resolved quicker, send an email to support@cgtrader.com. Posts here may not be read for several days or longer and giving the staff an email is always the first thing I would do. However, before contacting them, verify that everything is working on your computer first. Reboot, clear cache, upgrade OS and browser. Try another device like your phone, or tablet if you have one, to see if works there.
DIL3Dstudio wrote
Thank you for your support. I will follow your method.
Posted about 2 months ago

I just commented on one of your models DIL3Dstudio. Seems to work for me.

DIL3Dstudio wrote
Thank you for your support. I will follow your method. But it doesn't work for some of the newly uploaded models.
TazMan2000 wrote
If that is so, then there must be a problem on CGT's side. I'd recommend contacting support since it does work on some of your models. Which is one of the models that it doesn't work on?
Posted about 2 months ago

Does not work on this model.

Posted about 2 months ago

Does not work on this model.

Posted about 2 months ago

Okay, I'll try. I'm using the Chrome browser.

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