So... how are vehicles made for videogames?

Discussion started by themasky

I still don't understand how to properly model a ''game ready'' car.

I know that I could, for example, look for some reference images, and then make my model around those (UVs following along the image). But that would only work for a low poly/retro style game. Take this image as reference.

There are some really good models out there that make me wonder... did they just modeled the entire thing, fully detailed (like here), and then baked in the details into a low poly version? I know that's standard for pretty much everything but... yeah, the entire car?


Posted about 2 years ago

I can't see any links to your example, but the answer really depends on what the intended use of the model is. Yes, most vehicle models start out life exactly how you suggested. They model a low poly profile against some reference images from the front, side, top, and back of a car. From there, the model can be refined with much more detail. The interior can be modeled, or it can just be low poly with normal maps to fake the inside details. If the model is for a AAA game, then the polygon budget can be higher, especially if the inside of the car will be shown in real-time close-ups and actual gameplay. Even in AAA titles, there is almost always a "polygon budget", even for hero models but normal mapping and other techniques can make up for the lack of geometry these days.

If the model is intended for more high end purposes, like TV advertisements or movies, then there may be no limit to the polygon budget because realism and true to life detail is the most important aspect. Since these models are being used for pre-rendered scenes with a renderfarm, most of the detail will be modeled. Also, concept cars are usually created with precision modeling in CAD software like Rhino, where every aspect of the vehicle can be reproduced to specific dimensions to be a digital clone of the real thing. Again, these models are not typically useful for real-time applications because the polygon count is way too high. These types of models would be created with NURBS surfaces instead of polygon modeling to provide the smoothest and most accurate curves, etc.

themasky wrote
Ahhh, sorry about the links, I have no idea why they aren't showing up. The first one was just a screenshot from Max Payne (2001), and the other a Blender tutorial. Hmmm, so I guess you would need a good understanding on vehicle design. Thanks for the info!
Posted about 2 years ago

There's an article from a vehicle artist, Karol Miklas that explains how vehicles are produced for games. They've worked on some notable games and even provided a free 3d car model you can dissect for better understanding.

Posted about 2 years ago

This is a pretty large topic. Car models are usually done using blueprints (if there are good blueprints where views match/align without distortion) if there are no blueprints, camera matching is used. What style, how many polygons, what type of textures , how many textures, what it's roll will be (is it hero car, is it static model, is it cutscene model etc.) depends on the hardaware on wich game will run. When we come to the hardware anything goes, all "old school" methods are pretty much still alive today. For example, if you want to do a car in pbr, you need 7-8-9 textures in order to look good and that need memory, and if platform is mobile phone you usually don't have that memory so you have to be creative. Some designers mix styles, some use "old methods" some write custom shaders etc. When it comes to games, main goal is to look as good as posible and at the same time to run as best as posible on dedicated platoform/s. Game model that run best on everything doesn't exist. If you are asking about game models that will sell here, people usually use unitiy, unreal as their reference engine and start from there. Now days is popular method of baking normal map of the entire car as you mentioned in your post, that normal map can be used anywhere on anything that supports normal mapping this is also done if game studio have time and resources to do it. Imagine you have to do 50 high poly models of cars and you have about 20 employee. Not everyone is Ubisoft and Rockstar. As I said this is pretty large topic it's better to contact me via private message if you have question, it's better than me writing "articles and books" here on the forum. Good luck.

3DCargo wrote
Not to be rude but these are "old school" methods. These days GLB files are pretty much the 'jpg' of 3D. Incidentally GLB files are also real-time or game ready. In this case its easy to optimize textures since you can create an ORM texture (RGB split - R: Occlusion G: Roughness B: Metallic). You can provide the Normal as 16bit for working files and 8bit for optimized delivery format (in the GLB). Using this optimized method + atlas textures why would you need more than 1 texture for the exterior? Most of it is paint, chrome and glass. The interior could do with 1 extra UV layout but for an entire car you wouldn't need more than 15MB worth of data total for a high quality output (film/vfx quality). This 'Game model that runs best" you mention does exist, provide a good quality model at base level (0 subdivision), that can be easily subdivided for production and you provide high quality content at both extremes. Given these days we can even build mipmapping into the texture itself (using the .tx format) you don't even need to worry about LODing since its handled in the metadata.
LowPolyVehicles wrote
That's why i wrote "don't want to write articles and books on the forum". I have no intention to argue nor to correct things that you got wrong in your post, I work in game industry for over 20 years (and no, Im not cocky nor arogant), everything you wrote is fine by me. Good luck
3DCargo wrote
Considering my search results for specific questions in workflow etc. usually lead to results in forums, I think its best you do "write an article"
3DCargo wrote
20 years in the industry is a good example of "old school" methods. Simply put I have skin in the game too, I have worked in games, film, vfx, tvc, tv and I work currently with a lot of VR/AR and real-time content. The game has changed, methods have changed, the new formats are far better optimized and versatile for multiple delivery platforms using the same format. I'm glad you are not cocky or arrogant but I would appreciate any correction to my comments that are 'wrong in your post' as this is an open forum, feel free to discuss your experience and opinion. Ego has no place here, lets discuss things I have no doubt you have some things you can share with a whippersnapper like me or anyone else.
LowPolyVehicles wrote
16bit normal map will be eaten by compression in most game engines so you end up with something like 8bit hybrid, althoug I wish to slap clean 16bit . Try using glb on android if you want to see what a real life nightmare is, and trust me its a nightmare. Why car need more than one texture, what if car paint is metallic ? Should i use metalness on car paint like most of the people on sketchfab? I really apreciate your comments in general here on the forum, some of them I found usefull, but just because someone started from beginning and didn't mentioned all of the stuff related, doesn't mean that he/she isn't familiar with rest of it, honestly what you mentioned above are just packaging solution wich to me just imply by default, some are good for something and bad for something else. But I think that we gone off topic here, author asked how to create game ready car if he/she decided to make a game he/she can then bother with those stuff.
Posted about 2 years ago

Like I said in my original post "Normal as 16bit for working files and 8bit for optimized delivery format", which means 8bit normal texture for real-time. All my products that have 'PBR' label work on android at fast frame rates, what do you mean nightmare? What if a car is metallic, what's the difference? Should you make it like other people on sketchfab... Again I dont understand, why the comparison to sketchfab? What does it matter how you make the material, as long as it looks like the reference then its good right?

3DCargo wrote
Well this was meant to be a reply to the previous discussion... but ok lol.
LowPolyVehicles wrote
My bad i misunderstood 8-16bit. GLB is far far from compatibile with game engines that runs on android and that is all i will say about that. As far as metallic paint goes, doing it using metalness is wrong, as Im sure you know that car paint is dielectric and not metal, so why cheat when you have oportunity to do it right. You can get similar result using metalness but no where near as good or precise as using clear coat, IOR map etc. Almost every real time engine that i have worked on required materials to be done "by the book" in order to achieve full potential, most of them were also custom written so i wonder why they bother to create IOR or clear coat "slot" when you can achieve the same look with metalness. Mentioning sketchfab was a joke because i couldn't believe how many of the sellers there doesn't understand how pbr works no offense, but your comment helped me to understand why. Not all artist are the same, to me end result is important as the way to it.
3DCargo wrote
Well I use glb files in android usd/ios and it runs perfect as long as things are optimized (100k triangles/15mb file size). So not sure what you are dealing with but it sounds like they don't meet specification. PBR is not about 'precise', its about standardization. I myself do obsesses about details of 'correct workflow' such as srgb limits, dielectrics/metals, ior etc, in fact I have wrote several plugins that transfer materials between 3dsmax/blender/c4d/unity/unreal using the PBR standards - to the book as you put it. But to be honest you can be as 'accurate' as you like people are still going to do what they think 'looks right'. In the end you have to take that into consideration and say - do we want it correct or do we want it to look right? This is what I mean about precise vs standards, precise means your did it by the book, standard means the textures are in the correct places (and is consistent between applications/engines), but maybe those textures are not 'accurate'. I dont think anyone really cares as long as when they hit render it 'looks correct'.
LowPolyVehicles wrote
Yes, i agree, but i just cant help myself and that's it. Yes i can "throw it" and say, that's good enough F it, and no one will notice honestly, but i know what is done and that's good enough to start bothering with (when i think about it) everything.
Posted about 2 years ago

Simple. We have 2022... years before triple A games used counts around a fraction of what´s used todays. Many AAA racing-games use already a TRIANGLE-count of 500K tris per car. If you develop, you know, that this polycount has to be calculated practically almost x 3 = shadows + collisions. However, todays´s engines nail it and can render it with the right cards without problems.
I have so many car models created years ago, I even don´t dare to offer them on CGT, because they are out of date, with low poly counts that nobody would buy. Maybe some mobile indies, but for low budget.
So my personal advice, if you create new cars, or redesign something, do them for next gen, and at least mid-poly, with all that nice round mudgruards and wheels, and don´t look back to 90ties.

Posted about 2 years ago

Todays... 500K +++++ :-) Conventional low poly is from yesterday... that started already a time ago. I have to create new models my models are old school low poly, I call them... anti-next gen.

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