There are also these reasons for not leaving.
Seeing people leave could have some additional demoralizing effect on other people hoe are perhaps pending to give up on this place (especially when you announce it on the public forum here).
So if you rely want to leave folks then do it quietly, on the other hand I'm glad you made it public Jaakko because now we can have an open discussion about it that maybe opens up some space to change minds.
If you are not going exclusive somewhere ells then there rely is no reason to leave, if you just leave things as they are and spent no time on uploading new stuff then you don't lose a thing. You actually have some free backup of your work.
Also see this thread about model pricing, (
If you make a slight competitive difference of your offerings compared with your offerings somewhere ells, then you have more chance that people hoe find your models over here will actually buy them here. It makes no sense to have same pricing everywhere, especially when the host platform does everything it can to bring you most competitive service and lowest operational cost.
That lower operational cost is something you have to use to your advantage, otherwise we have no real competition in this world (and you will have data that is not representative to base decisions on).
We want the best to win don't we?
So before you go to squidguild to be owned and grow the mindless monster please try to use the competitive advantage and then evaluate.
lastly I would strongly encourage you to never sign up to be fully owned and instead help grow the most democratic community/selling platform on the net, and never give up on the idea that it will actually get to become the biggest.
Just keep at it as if you are the only man responsible for it, because if we all would do that we will be the biggest without no doubt.