How to link .mtl file to .obj?

Discussion started by ajdesign


I downloaded this file "

but when I open the obj inside SweatHome3D or KeyShot the materials are missing( it is all white).

Do I need to have Blender installed on my computer in order for .mtl file can read the materials from its library( since the file was created using blender)?

Attached is a screen shot of the MTL( right) and OBJ ( Left)

I would appreciate any help




Posted over 7 years ago

" can't expect great materials from exchange formats, if you want good results, you have to rebuild materials by yourself..."
Nicely summarized.
In spite of all specifics and standards, writing and reading into and from exchange formats is still highly application/plugin/script/version dependent.

Posted over 7 years ago

All materials in that MTL file is the same - some whitish generic material. It's not your programs fault, it's how file was exported. If that download link has blend file included, then yes, having Blender installed on your pc would help, as then you could load blend file in to Blender and export it with proper materials, assuming that blend file has them, of course.

ajdesign wrote
Thank you LemonadeCG I didn't even noticed they are all the same. Is this the same for 3ds files as well? because I downloaded a free chair file(3ds format) from Herman Miller website and it has a jpeg attached for texture but still imports it as all greish. here is the link
LemonadeCG wrote
I haven't touched any 3ds file in ages, can't remember how they handles materials, but for what i know, that format is even more limited material wise than OBJ is. Anyway, you can't expect great materials from exchange formats, if you want good results, you have to rebuild materials by yourself. AFAIK, keyshot is bundled with many prebuild materials, so it shouldn't be hard to achieve the look you're after.

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