It's a bit of a challenge if you are a fantasy or sci- fi artist on CGt, most traffic is going to regular models like architectural stuff and boats, cars, planes, electronics, etc. So that pushes fantasy stuff a bit more into the background. On websites like artstation it's the other way around.
CGtrader has the ambition to collect "all" art types and become the biggest stock media repository on the web, but at the same time it needs to be able to deliver tailored user experiences/representations to the specific different types of users, right?
So currently CGt collects all types of content but in effect is not able to represent it efficiently to the different types of artists/users.
My suggestion would be to leave that representation to the artist themselves.
Made some proposals in the past to make CGt more like a collective of store owners that would be trading under one large common brand name. It would be more like a type of pinterest, where everyone would make their own collections he collects from the central repository.
In this idea, every user would get a small instance of the main website that he can tailor to his desire. (e.g. adding own product pages and menu items, user blog, user galley, portfolio/resume page). He would only pick out of the repository the stuff he wants to represent (maybe he wants to focus on game models, or architectural, or only sci-fi stuff, etc.).
So a combination of tools like those of CGtrader, artstation and pinterest "combined" would be a very powerful way to get this kind of tailored representations and user experiences.
Additionally the owner of such a tailored small store/instance can start to hunt the web for artist/work he likes, and motivate that artist to join CGtrader to get his work in the repository and eventually in his own store/instance. In this way what the artist is specifically doing with his personal store would make more difference, and he could maximize his personal influence/representation to collect more of the art type he wants to represent.
To recapitulate on the pinterest idea ask this question, imagine what pinterest would be without the ability to re pin from within the own collected repository?
Most professional sellers are here because they want presence on a well known and established name within the industry and enjoy the traffic it is able to generate, but the downside is you lose the personal representation.
I think we can have both when we have the tools to do it.