What is the reason for refund: - Unauthorized Purchase - No Cardholder Authorisation - ??

Discussion started by ivangolota

I found this refund in my sales, held a couple of days ago with such an explanation. "Unauthorized Purchase - No Cardholder Authorisation". At the same time, the buyer (3 mounth ago!) has downloaded all the purchased models, as indicated by the download log.


Posted about 6 years ago


To put it in simple terms, the purchase was made without a knowledge or approval of the cardholder. As a result, the payment is being reversed by the cardholder's bank.
You will find a more detailed explanation on the following thread: https://www.cgtrader.com/forum/general-discussions/how-to-prevent-the-buyer-using-the-stolen-credit-account

Best of luck,
CGT Support

DUST wrote
Does this mean check and checkmate? and no options to counter this? Then why do you assure that this will not happen again?
Posted about 6 years ago

Where is the safety. =_=

Posted about 6 years ago

I agree with the previous commentator: do you take a quarter of our income purely for the trade sign, or do you have any obligations to control the integrity of interactions?

Posted about 6 years ago

By the way, it was at that time of purchase that the model of this ring, bought with a fake credit card, appeared without my knowledge on some suspicious and artisan service of printouts of 3D models. I discussed it on the forum.
Those. The СG released the undercarriage model of my ring in a large pirate light and I did not receive a penny for this act.

Posted about 6 years ago

I have a similar situation. After a while, the payment was canceled. However, the user managed to download files.
This is a very sad situation ...
We need some solution on this issue...

Posted almost 6 years ago

Subscribe to this.
I had previously had similar cases, but then the buyer did not download the files.
At the moment, I got an unpleasant situation in the form of a loss of $ 400
The buyer bought 2 models, downloaded and through some time I see that there is neither a buyer (deleted from the system) or any money.
Team SG, let's be loyal to each other.
You take a percentage of sales, you organize a favorable protected trading environment for us.
There must be some kind of insured amount from such cases.
I'm right?

Posted almost 6 years ago

I have the flow of purchases (near 10) from novice buyers here for the last day.
Instead of rejoicing and drinking beer for your health, I worry
Are you sure that you check their cards well and my models do not go away for free due to your fraudulent refund for your payment security squanders?
Since your site does not spoil me with an abundance of purchases in recent months.
I wrote to the support, they say nothing
I think that this reason for refund should be immediately dactivated, because it undermines the reputation of the site. Through this hole we can lose all your models.

Posted almost 6 years ago

Support says:
Hi there,

All sensitive payments' data is processed via Adyen, a global payment processing platform. All transactions are reviewed by their system, many factors are checked before payment authorization. If the card is already reported as stolen - such payment is refused immediately.

All the best,

Posted over 5 years ago

I got scared today when I looked at my payment information. A $86 refund.
I have now a negative balance from something that happen in the past.
How can an april purchase be returned only now?
Where is the reliability of the Cgtrader system?
The imposter has downloaded my models, can resell, share on the black market and I am punished?
You're punishing us designers but you know it's not our fault. Very unfair.
That´s a bank and cgtrader problem, the download was made, Is there no insurance for this type of fraud?
The bank had authorized in April and now they want Cgtrader and the designer to pay for their mistake?

I was very disappointed with Cgtrader now.

Posted about 5 years ago

My 3D model was sold a LONG time ago (2019-07-29).
And two months later, a refund was made (Payment reversal - no cardholder authorization.).

For no reason, my 3D model has been stolen twice already!
The CGTrader team, you need to do something and take action.

I am very upset because this is a terrible situation!

Regard. Andrei.

Posted almost 5 years ago

Colleagues, do not be surprised if in your sales you see such a penalty list over $122 for failures in defense to which you yourself are not involved in any way.
But you will pay. For as is/

Order ID Purchased Product Buyer Price Royalties to refund Refund Date Refund Reason
2325192 2019-06-19 Serpenty Earrings nxixjknn $100 $72.6 2020-02-11 Payment reversal - no cardholder authorization.
2325207 2019-06-19 Websters deadly sin Wrath replica ring nxixjknn $50 $36.19 2020-02-11 Payment reversal - no cardholder authorization.
2894349 2019-09-16 Laurel wreath ring - original wajahat0086 $30 $21.62 2020-02-11 Payment reversal - no cardholder authorization.

Posted almost 5 years ago

In my case, the user fraudulently made a purchase and downloaded the model. The system’s mark it.
Turning to support naturally yields nothing. They refer that this is possible.
Dear team, why is the user who has committed theft still not blocked?
Artists! The СGTrader team condones fraudsters.

Posted almost 5 years ago

Ones again another model leak through a pirated card.
Shame, shame, shame CGTrader!
Holye Leaky office

Order ID Purchased Product Buyer Price Royalties to refund Refund Date Refund Reason
2673440 2019-07-31 Celtic cross wedding rings - original 871019kyle $18 $12.88 2019-09-05 Payment reversal no cardholder authorization.

Posted almost 5 years ago

By the way, this topic can be found only by search, it does not appear in recent posts and it is updated on the thematic board. They are ashamed.

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