What happened to the price offer? Changes in the application of discounts?

Discussion started by 3d-noob

A few days ago, I noticed that the price-offer button is gone. Now, I realize that some asset creators never offered that option but it is also gone for creators from whom I have purchased a number of products in the past based on prices I offered.

Was this feature removed without any kind of notification? Or did I just miss some announcement?

Also with the current sale, I noticed that products from certain creators are discounted at different rates. That did not use to be the case. Sure, some creators did not take part in sales/discount promos (or only in a few of them), but I have never noticed before that some articles by one and the same creator were discounted by x percent, some by y percent, and some not at all. What is going on here?

Frankly, as a pretty frequent buyer on this site for 8+ years, I don't like either of these two new "features" one bit.


Posted about 2 months ago

Update: The different discounts appear to be gone; if a seller participates in the sale, all items seem to be discounted the same percentage.

However, the price-offer button has not returned.

Posted about 2 months ago

Cgtrader sent an e-mail few weeks ago that price offer feature is to be removed since January. They advise to utilize 3D job section if someone wants to negotiate better price, and/or needs custom order.

Regarding different discounts, i think there's nothing unusual - when there's no site wide sale, certain models still gets discounted by so called loyalty discount. For these you have to use your loyalty points. If you don't have enough points, or the model's price is high, it's possible that you don't see 30% (30% is the cap for loyalty discounts), but some smaller rate depending on how many points you have. I have only handful such points, so for me almost every model is discounted at different rate.

Posted about 2 months ago

Thanks for the information.
I did go through my emails from cgtrader for the past two months or so and could not find anything about the price-offer feature being discontinued. I surely hope cgtrader will reconsider this move. I still fondly remember the "good old days" when you could negotiate a price with the seller of less than 50% of the list price until cgtrader introduced a minimum offer price of 50%. In those days, I would sometimes purchase 10 models or so from one seller at a time (which is why I would get good prices). Oh, well...

I don't think I'll be going through the 3D job section to get a negotiated price on a model that lists for less than 20 USD; I'll either wait for a site-wide sale or simply not purchase the model at all.

I don't think the different discounts that I saw had anything to do with loyalty points of which I have accumulated quite a lot (4-figure amount); I very rarely get to spend them because they don't work during site-wide sales and that is usually when I go shopping. So for the loyalty-point discount to be less than 30% for me would mean a very expensive model (with a list price of several thousand dollars) and those are quite rare here on cgtrader.

Besides, the different discounts on the products of any one seller are also gone, as I said in my update above. Since the look of the shopping cart drop-down is different as well, I'm guessing that cgtrader made some changes to the site today and these discount variances were a result/side effect of that.

Posted about 1 month ago

CGT has generally taken a turn for the worse. Removing the "make offer" button is just another step in the wrong direction.
Like @3d-noob I also have a lot of loyalty points, but they are pretty useless as most sales offer a bigger discount than the max 30% you can get from purchasing a ton of models.

Also never got an email about this, but I doubt that would have made a difference one way or another.
As for the missing "make offer" button, I suggest just reaching out to the author and ask. Without the button, it will be more hit and miss as you don´t know who´d like to receive an offer and who wouldn´t, but it´s better than nothing.
Projects are easy to set up and - unless they changed that, too - the author gets a bigger cut of the price by using a project, which might work out to everyone´s advantage.

As I wrote earlier today, I think there is a huge bug on this site as all discounts seem to have vanished.
If they want anyone to purchase during the sale, I hope they fix it soon.

LemonadeCG wrote
"Projects are easy to set up and - unless they changed that, too - the author gets a bigger cut of the price by using a project, which might work out to everyone´s advantage." - unfortunately they changed that too. CGT has increased their cut from the projects threefold few months ago :/
lassebauer wrote
Well, that sucks.

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