Selling textures/materials

Discussion started by alincirnew

So , as someone who enjoys using substance designer and planning to learn it , i also am planning to make some income from selling models online , now you'd think that making a living is a bit hard but i m just aiming at 200 or 300$ a month , thats plenty for me and i think it's possible ( i mnew to this , if it's kind of hard to reach that amount please tell me so i know what i m getting into :) )

so i thaught to myself why not sell materials too , do people buy those in cgtrader or is it useless ot invest time into that ?

these are examples of materials i made


Posted almost 5 years ago

From what Ive seen/read so far lots of 3D stock agencies require PBR models so substance designer files are going to become quite mainstream so a good option to get ahead of the curve if you can. If you take a look at you can see they are selling generator files now (and I think will be focussing more on this as time evolves).

A quick comparison with their credit pack shows you that they themselves value substance packs higher than 3d models (probably because of market scarcity and niche).
Lets break down their pricing before we evaluate things. Without being a subscriber you can buy a credit pack, best value is 125 credits for $30 ($0.24 per credit):

Coffee Table Riverside Replica 001 - 3D Model
25 Credits (about average on this site)

Upholstery Generator - Substance SBAR file (for use in Substance Player)
100 credits

So on average they estimate the value to be 4x higher than the average 3D model.

A few things to think about:
- They do have very good sbar files with many options available for the average artist who needs no deep understanding of substance designer.
- They work fast, you can compare these to other free ones on the market and theres some lag maybe in regards to how the artist set up the file not sure.
- They also release video tutorials on how to use them, bonus points here in a few regards
- Giving the artist many options to variations is key here, I think more people will be using these now as everything goes PBR/realtime and the easier it is for artists from industries who have little R&D time (archviz especially) would pay good money for time saving tools.

My 2c

alincirnew wrote
the saturation on the 3d models markets is no where near the textures and materials thats for sure , and your comment here was very helpful actually but there is still the question of where do people actually sell textures , i mean , in cgtrader i didnt see many to be honest and when you ask anyone where to get models they name a few big sites , but when it comes to textures ... i m kinda lost as to where people sell those .
Posted almost 5 years ago

I see many on artstation & gumroad. you can also upload them on TS as material/shaders or here on CGT as Textures.

Im sure if you contacted the devs here they could create a new catagory or give you a heads up on any development on this.

alincirnew wrote
thank you , have a nice day :D
Posted almost 5 years ago

Hi, I use Substance Painter daily and I find it very easy to either make my own materials or, indeed, download them for free. Saying this, I can confirm that they do sell, and some of them for quite a nice price.

$2-300 a month isn't a great deal and it is well within your grasp if you are prolific enough.

That cobble texture looks quite awesome by the way. Good luck in the future and I hope you manage to hit your target and more.

Posted almost 5 years ago

Can we use the purchasing 3D Models in our wesbite? I want to copy the model of furniture and use it on my websit here

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