Don't fully agree, this website has very good search features that are easy to use, in fact you can filter on trending, newest, oldest, price range, file formats, animated, rigged and low poly.
Having your product on the frontage does not necessarily mean it will sell.
(Swan3DStudio, the point you make may not have correlation to visibility, but maybe more with the demand for a given item) Electronics like cell phones are coming out every month and then need mass marketing. Cars get a new version ones a year so new 3D models also need to be made then.
Having some very nice representative models/renders on the frontage that convince a buyer he may find what he is looking for on this website is more important. (more likely he will spent time to use the search features)
It is important to represent your product as good as you can, also make sure it is tagged well and have good descriptions, it all makes a difference whether or not that buyer is convinced your model is the best sale.
You should also focus on the strong points that make this website stand out of the crowd. No barrier between seller and buyer, adoption to al social media (e.g. Youtube,Vimeo, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.)
Next you get good marketing tools like coupon generator and build in communication support. The website also looks very professional (nice layouts, colors, tools, information presentation, nice profile page, etc.)
Apart from all this, the remarkable service that is provide here is supper cheap. Hosting you models here is completely free, small fees are paid when a model gets sold and needs to be reactivated (this works automatically when enough credits are on your account). Ps. This has no influence on you model ranking.
So all the tools are here, you just have to use them well and make good decisions.