Not happy with CGTrader anymore

Discussion started by Insomnis-Arts

Hello, I am a 3D artist from Germany and have been with CGTrader for a few years selling my models.
In the beginning it was very difficult for me to gain a foothold, but with time it actually went quite well and I was very happy with CGTrader and its possibilities to be a seller.
Anyway...that's how it was in the first year. Since the last 2 years, my experience with CGTrader has been rather bad. Long waiting for my money, then the account verification, which I had to do very often and the payment process, which also changed several times. All of this made it very difficult for me to sell and reduced my motivation somewhat. The support itself is ok, but takes a very long time to get back to me, only to finally tell me that I should wait or inquire elsewhere. But what has happened now has completely thrown me off track and really taken away my motivation to continue here.

My sales have increased rapidly in the last two months and I have sold a model almost every day. For a small 3D artist like me, that's a huge success, but unfortunately...I don't get a single cent from these sales. Because CGTrader has once again changed the payment process to Hyperwallet. No matter what I do, Hyperwallet won't verify my account because they think my documents have expired, which is not true. I should send documents that prove my identity and origin. I have sent these documents 4 times and they still don't want to verify the account. To apply for other documents, I would have to wait months and it is a huge effort, because to get one document, I have to apply and show many others, which also takes months. I have even contacted hyperwallet support and I keep getting the same message from them, even though I have explained my request clearly, but they ignore it. It's getting frustrating and annoying and to be honest, I don't feel like dealing with it anymore.

I don't know if anyone else has the same problems, but I think I'm almost ready to leave this platform. It just doesn't make sense for me to wait so long for my payment or to deal with such things.
If anyone can give me an alternative to CGTrader, that would be great.
Thank you very much


Posted 11 months ago

Hyperwallet is just a PayPal spin-off, which - in itself - can explain your situation.

Does not matter how much money you make if you don't have access to your money.
Either you stay - risking losing more money to PayPal or leave this platform.

Which sellers to stay and which sellers to go is no longer determined by CGT or even your own choices.
It is determined by PayPal as it is the only payment option.
If tomorrow PayPal decides to favor American companies ( TurboSquid, Epic etc. ) over a Lithuanian one,
they simply start requesting nonexistent documents and holding back payments.
Sellers here will not have other choice but leave.

A "single payment option" makes everyone vulnerable.
Offering multiple payment methods is not a favor for sellers.
It is the most basic level of financial self defence.

You can consider Gumroad ( but you have to handle customers wanting their money back for made up reasons...)

Insomnis-Arts wrote
Thank you for your reply! Sorry for my late answer, but i was really busy :( I understand that, but they already changed the payment a couple of times now. Everytime i had this probnlem, but the support solved it somehow. It took alot of time, but i got my money. This time i cant do nothing about it. people still buying my models and i cannot get the money for it. Its so sad...really
Posted 11 months ago

I've been here for a few years myself, and haven't noticed the payment process changing except for the Hyperwallet change. Hyperwallet has several ways to get approved, albeit you do have to share personal/confidential information to prove that you are you. What documents are you sending them that they are saying are expired? I know there are some countries that have problems with Hyperwallet and Paypal, but I didn't think Germany was one of them. Perhaps some of the other members from Germany can share why documents they sent, which had no problem with expiration.

Insomnis-Arts wrote
Thank you for your reply! I send them my ID ( which tehy wanted me to send) and my business registration which is showing where i live, what kind of business i have ect. And they really are telling me these document are expired...which isnt true. You are right! Germany isnt one of them. I even have a paypal account for many many years know. never had that problem before. This Hyperwallte is something new. I hope so. It would be great!
TazMan2000 wrote
I guess that CGT isn't helping you out in this matter. That sucks.

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