4 things that come to mind:
1. Ads - You can utilize ad campaigns to give exposure to your work. It costs money but get clicks and views so maybe its worth it, maybe its not.
2. Exposure - People don't really respond to things until they need them. So they might see your name/logo multiple times, never react and then one day say to themselves oh I need that thing, see you post again which reminds them where to get it.
3. Engagement - A good idea is nothing without intervention from the public. So maybe you make something which doesn't sell, someone sees it and asks you to make something similar which is more beneficial to their needs, maybe 10 other people are also thinking the same thing but didn't say anything. Maybe that item sells 10 times because of that engagement. This is similar to the growth of a youtube channel, people see you have knowledge on a topic, request things, those things explode because they are in demand, cycles continues etc.
4. Analytics - Similar to point 3, the more data you have from more engagement means you have better analytics to deal with/learn from. You can design things that would have never occurred to you in the first place without discussing things in a public forum (social media is one example). Discussion creates ideas, creates content in demand, you can get feedback from followers, and the list goes on basically. You can always refer to analytics given to you by CGT or other websites but your own data is usually more useful.