However, it was not meant to be a conversation between me and 3dCargo, so I bumpt that thread right now, because it´s important.
3DCargo as xample offers still and continued a 30% discount. Since months, or even longlife?
That can be also a "strategy", to go 30% up all along and offer it than 30% down.
I don´t mind, nothing against it, it´s on you.
Bu in regards to "offer price", I tried the "offer price" option, but that resulted in (pseudo) pontential
buyers offering almost always 50% of the price, and as a test I accepted all those offers with a "you are welcome" & kind regards".
And guess what?
not one of those "price offer" heroes buyed it, even when their 50% was accepted.
For me personally, that option is a stillbirth.
Looking for another "strategies" that can work well, besides of the dumb "make unique, high quality contents and you will sell"
Still, anyone is welcome to share experiences with pricing strategies.
It´s one of the most, if not THE most important thing, why *serious* vendors actually spend their time to produce or redesign,
and present in a time-consuming way their stuff on CGt and another marketplaces, we alld o that for money, but that needs
also working pricing strategies, taking account of all those options that CGT in example offers (dicounts up to 70%, coupon codes,
loyalty credits, or even all together!).
Don´t be shy! share your experience with the community. Even things related to what doesn´t work at all for you regarding your
hard efforts without success. Everything will help to "FINETUNE" the pricing question.
I hope I could motivate some another vendors to take part in that thread.