withdrawing low price

Discussion started by daniel75088

I've earned 40$!how to withdraw this?I can't wait 200$ !plz help how to withdraw this?


Posted about 7 years ago

Use paypal, and you will have been received payment until 20th of next month.

daniel75088 wrote
it has withdrawing limit!!200$
Posted about 7 years ago

Hi daniel75088,

Switch from wire transfer method, so you won't have a payment limit. I suggest that you use payoneer. Unlike PayPal, it supports receiving payments in Sri Lanka. I think that the minimum withdraw to local banks usin Payoneer is 50$, so you should be alright.
However, keep in mind that Payoneer's annual fee is 30$.

daniel75088 wrote
If I create a payoneer account ,Will my first installment be credited with the first credit?(I ment annual fee)
o2firsova wrote
I think so. They charge 29.95$ once your card is activated and you have a sufficient amount to pay. So, you will receive 10$ after the fee. Next year you'll have to pay 30$ again and so on. Payoneer is a good choice if one makes a lot of money, so that the fee doesn't make a significant difference for them. But sometimes, waiting for 200$ can be a better choice.

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