They inspire me, mostly simple games (very simple) for mobile phones, and work colleagues.
Since there are so many talented designers here, I was just curious who are your role models and artists you admire in 3D? Who are the people who inspire you the most? Please feel free to share any comments!
UPDATE: Please share any names of artists or their work, not necessarily only those who are on CGTrader :)
They inspire me, mostly simple games (very simple) for mobile phones, and work colleagues.
Myself and 3d animation films
Other 3d artists mostly, and most of them. If I see something I like and high quality I get jealous and want to achieve that quality myself.
PS: glad you liked my icecream machine Dalia, thank you!
beside that i love the models that i do , also i look at the market and c what i should do to compete even with the shortage of the advises from CGtrader of what to do next .
i sugest that CGtrader provide a monthly tips or requirements based on the top search word on cgtrader
also some people like you Dalia inspire me :)
I'm into modeling cars a lot so, an artist named 3dsquir,who sells here, is one of the artists I really admire as the rendering and modeling of this artist is always professional and I've seen this persons work for a while now and never fall short of being impressed.
Another artist/s would be Dzejsi_models who also sells here. The work presented is astounding the grapics of it all and ideas. Things like the coconut bay scene or beach house. These are such astounding works.
I do completely different because you do not know what the product will be better
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