Past 2 months the processing fee was not there. Is it introduced now ? and why it was not there before ?
what is payment processing fee? url link is to paypal website - is it about transfering funds to paypal account which this method is selected for withdrawal?
Past 2 months the processing fee was not there. Is it introduced now ? and why it was not there before ?
So, this means seller have to pay PayPal fee even if model was purchased by Visa/Mastercard directly?
This is pretty unfair for non-PayPal users (who use wire withdrawal) because it turns out that we pay fee to involve PayPal which we don't need.
Moreover it is also weird that you announce that seller have to cover with Transaction Fee your business expenses (inner account transfers).
Finally - Processing Fee is up to 6% for small purchases and if buyer from EU your royalty is even less than on Turbosquid
Hi Viktor,
The Paypal processing fee is paid because the paid sum from the buyers go into our Paypal account - that is because buyers prefer paying via Paypal. And from that account it then gets transferred into your wire account.
There's more information about the Paypal payment fee here:
I set wire as withdrawal method why I still have to pay PayPal processing fee?
я тоже не совсем понимаю.
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