What is going on with CGTrader Sales

Discussion started by weeray

I have only made 4 sales so far, which did not happen before. Sales were back to 2017. Does this have to do something with the new search algorithm or am I missing something?



Posted 5 months ago

I have a similar situation too, last month was the worst number of sales month since almost one year, but after 2 weeks it looks like this month is going to be the worst since many years ! however i have almost the same number of sales in other places, so i don't think it has much to do with AI generated models or the economic situation... also i don't think algorithms change is the only reason, in general when they change algorithms some of my models have better sales than other but never all of them are impacted like that, i think maybe cgtrader is no more promoting models like before, and i have also noticed that cgtrader is no more present in Google search results like before, i think this is can have an impact too, i hope they will do something especially with the new models, since more than one year i have continued to upload a big number of models but apart from a few exceptions no sales at all for these new ones

Posted 5 months ago

It's November, maybe people are holding on strictly unnecessary purchases, waiting for Black Friday sales? Sales are stalled on all marketplaces for me.

CGPitbull wrote
Time to bring out the Brave Heart meme again ;)
Posted 5 months ago

For me first half of this year meant probably the biggest decline in sales in my selling history (especially on the other matketplace situation was absolutely tragical).
But I must say that in the second half I observe increase in sales here on CGT and previous month was the best month ever. And this month is also over average so far.

Of course these are absolute numbers. If I will look into relative numbers (relative to portfolio size or to rising salaries in real life professions) it would be needed much more bigger increase to compensate inflation and rising living costs in real life.
5-10 years ago significant increase of portfolio size meant significant increase of profit. Now significant increase of portfolio means much more smaller increase of profit or maintaining the same level of profit.
So for me recent months are not bad but question is what we can expect in the next year. There is absolutely no guarantee that we will not see other crisis. It is the reason why I am looking for some alternatives.

Posted 5 months ago

This year sales really did fall. Not critically, but they fell.

Posted 4 months ago

I'm the victim of April 2023 flop show when A.I was introduced on this site. My sales frequency never recovered since then.

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