VAT question

Discussion started by 3D-City-Models

i see that if model sold to EU there is VAT withhold. Is it happend because I'm not from EU country?

please let us know if there any way to avoid this - should i register EU account for that?
Turbosquid had similar problem of additional fee 30% of US sales and they improved it so I prove them that I'm not from US and now i have 0% of US sales fee

would be great it VAT issue will be explained and nicely organized here


Posted over 8 years ago

It has been explained a long time ago in the CGT blog. It has nothing to do with your own country - if the buyer is from EU, you will have to pay VAT.

Posted over 8 years ago

How about base price which model sellers puts, and buyer has to take in account VAT if applicable depending on location so seller gets same amount minus CGTraders commission so no variation easier to decide the price to sell.

Posted almost 4 years ago

i live in asia uzbekistan how can i know VAT please help

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