Top 3D Models Currently trending items

Discussion started by BAASU

Hi, friends!
Does any know, how treding listing works? Really, not from istruction. I see in top same model is shown six times. But model has zero Likes, zero Views, zero Comments, zero Rewiews. And this model is in the top. Six times. Is this a successful trend?


Posted over 2 years ago

The link doesn't work.

BAASU wrote
Posted over 2 years ago

AFAIK CGT has never published anything about how their "Top" system or search engine works, but we have seen examples when people successfully hijacked them for their own benefit (...along with the point system...).
If you see such "examples", report it/them:

BAASU wrote
Their official article. 1. Views 2. Sales 3. Customer Rating 4. Product Attributes 5. CGTrader Rating 6. Publishing Date I just was supprised to see model zero rated for 1 /2 / 3 not just in top but six times. :)
Posted over 2 years ago

I haven't come across this "pages" section of CGT yet. Strange...

Well...if the primary factor is "views" and the number of views in this case is zero, then the sole mass-visitor of this model must have been Stevie Wonder...

3dgtx wrote
Hm, strange. I sent traffic from over 500 domains to one item, a barcelona football, and it got as assumed very quickly a lot of traffic and visitors, but it was even not close to be a "trending item". I did the same for an another item with same result. So, I don´t believe that this is the factor.

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