One problem is that your normal maps are inverted. The default output format for normal maps in Substance Designer is DirectX. Blender uses OpenGL normal map format. The difference is the green channel of the normal map is inverted. You can export the normal maps from Substance Designer in OpenGl format by inserting a "Normal Invert" node before the output normal channel (make sure to set the "invert green" option to True) or you can use Photoshop to invert the green channel. When importing the normal map into blender make sure you set the color space to "Non-Color".
The other problem is that you haven't set up displacement in blender. Substance designer uses Displacement/Parallax-Occlusion. If you are going to use Displacement in blender export your height map from substance designer and follow the steps in the following tutorial.
Otherwise make sure to turn off Displacement/Parallax-Occlusion in Substance Designer( To do this, set the scale to 0 in the shader properties), adjust your normal intensity to your liking, and export the maps.