
Discussion started by Roman-Kharikov

Now we can not add sketchfab?

Thank You!


Posted over 7 years ago

Yes,but i dont understand why?I think this 3d reality is helping us to sell our models.What is the reason?I am realy disappointed

Posted over 7 years ago

Hi there,

Unfortunately, we've taken these embeds down due to some security concerns reported by our community members. Models can be ripped from Sketchfab viewer.

Eddie, CGTrader

pinotoon wrote
ok,but what if I want to take the risk?this is my own responsibility.I am not say to other members to attach their models with sketchfab link
jazz-cousins wrote
@CG Trader Its not so hard to put the sketchfab option in red with a big warning near it if you really want to be tyrannical and trust-less of your sellers.... Im sorry.... but this is the WORST decision by your team.. no by any modelmaking store in the history of cg modelling!!! this tyranny makes Terbosquid's 60% royalties look kind... I have lost more sales since this decision than I can imagine possible through hacks, this is a HUGE attack on your creative members ability to promote their work!!! Not to mention the fact that the only person negatively effected by leaving the amazing Sketchab support in is the person uses it in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I thought you were an open minded store, "pay what you like" and all that, nope, when it comes to seller choices, they just aren't allowed any. that simple. yo can I allow my buyers to actually see my model, pan around it on a platform I'm familiar with? NO because the cgtrader team have 0 common sense! sorry, rant over, but it is an awful decision, and I will be switching back to terbosquid if this isnt addressed.
blobfortress wrote
And I was wondering if it was because sketchfab has their own shop now...
Posted over 7 years ago

I agree with pinotoon! You should leave this option open for those who want to take the risk! It means to me because of the presentation of the models , but the risk certainly exists ... also models from any 3d engine can be ripped! Private game engine, cry/unreal/unity... webgl, etc.
Again, some precautions are there, of course, on the sketchfab forum they certainly understood it seriously . Also I think models are inside special archives .gz files that doesn't seem to open on first try...
As someone from the sketchfab forum said:

" Your original files are never exposed unless you enable download. Our viewer serves a compressed version of the mesh. However, once the 3D data reaches your GPU, it is available locally. This is required for our viewer to work. This is really no different than any other media published on the Internet; it's trivial to rip images, audio, and video from most sources. In fact, ripping 3D is harder.
That said, we are working on some features to make such techniques harder. In theory, it's possible to make automatic ripping VERY difficult. However, this would hurt performance and stability of the product "

Posted over 7 years ago

right on target salexniks2

Posted over 7 years ago

pinotoon +1

Posted over 7 years ago

Hello Guys!
@eduardas Can you explain,
Is this information verified or is it just gossip?
Why there is no news?
Why is there no information about the vulnerability?
Have you contacted the sketchfab to solve this problem?

Posted over 7 years ago

Hi there,

At the moment, sketchfab previews will not be back on our site, but we'll see further developments to find the best ways to make the preview better.


dimon9206 wrote
if sketchfab is not an option, why not using something else? like marmoset viewer or something?
Posted over 7 years ago

+1 pinatoon! Add a warning near the sketfab option if you really hate the idea of letting your sellers to make their own decisions!!!!!!!! in the meantime I'm going to be pasting sketachfab links in the descriptions of all my models, wont stand for this.

denniswoo1993 wrote
Just did the same, i actually sold less because of the sketchfab models being gone.
Posted over 7 years ago

Ok, I have found one rational reason behind this act of craziness, the"why was this not announced" thing. It would be a bit like announcing in a public place that someone there forgot to lock their door and then shouting out the address of that person, the person in question might hear, but they would have to race the would-be burglars back home to lock it, same here, announcing it would cause chaos. Of-course the right thing to do would have been, literally, nothing, because by removing the option everyone has been let aroused anyway! If you had neither confirmed nor denied that would have been the right thing, rumour would have spread, and been widely debated, and people would gradually act accordingly to whether they are paranoid or follow the truth of the facts and figures and go for publicity despite the risk.

Honestly though my decision remains the same, the option needs to return, and even with a warning I will continue to use sketchfab. I respect my customers ability to know exactly what they are getting, and like working with sketchfab more than any other model viewing site ive tried.

Posted about 7 years ago

What about .gif?

jazz-cousins wrote
No. giffs are useless for previews, not nearly good enough quality. a decent length 1080p + video does the job as a last resort, however nothing matches an interactive model viewer for letting clients work out for certain if the model is what they need rather than just having to hope the topology and animations are ok, and wildly guess what it would look like in game.
Posted about 7 years ago

Presentation of models is very badly affected ...
I think a significant part of my assets has lost relevance. Creation new presentation materials for more than 300 models - unacceptable. It would be better to warn the authors in advance (maybe it was, but I missed it).
I'm almost sure that the reason is not secuirity, maybe plug another viewer (like marmoset on

Posted about 7 years ago

I think that for now the best option for us is to provide a link to Sketchfab in the model's description. At least I've done it this way...

Posted about 7 years ago

Please, return SketchFab

Posted about 7 years ago

I think cgtrader overreacted to that potential issue. Even if i stopped using sketchfab service for exactly the same reason - risk of them being ripped off, i still think that removing such option from cgtrader is a bad decision. Sellers should be informed about potential vulnerability and left with choice to make decision on their own. In the end, the risk that someone will leak your model that was bought from cgtrader and has original files, is much greater than the risk that someone will rip it from WebGL preview, fixes scrambled geometry, compressed data and spread it all over internet.

Posted about 7 years ago

Seems like sketchfab links will also be removed from your product discription

denniswoo1993 wrote
btw: I think it's because sketchfab is opening a store too. for that reason i see it's legit to remove links to the competition.
jazz-cousins wrote
Interesting, makes sense, still I kind-of hate these pathetic methods most sites resort to... You should only be afraid of letting people link to other stores if your own store is garbage! A more self respecting method of stopping people linking to other stores would be to solve the issue which is causing them to feel the need to link else-wear in the first-place.
LemonadeCG wrote
I don't think it's pathetic. To remove links to your direct competitors, is quite straightforward move, even if the risk to loose potential customers isn't very high. OTOH it's a shame that cgtrader doesn't want to admit that fact and came with a lame "security concerns" excuse.
Posted about 7 years ago

Probably not want to hear this but what I do as an alternative is using Nvidia build in video screen capture while manipulating the models on local machine using Marmoset Toolbag and use resulting video as presentation material using Vimeo as the streaming medium.

You can see example on how that looks here (

I do this with most of my models now and it has some added benefits

1, it’s safe
2, not everyone owns good GPU (consider phones, tablets or notebooks) and is able to view complex 3D models fluently
3, more control on what you want to present
4, embedded video functionality is provided almost everywhere

denniswoo1993 wrote
Nice! Going to put some video's on my top range products too. Sales went down since the 3D preview is gone.
Posted almost 7 years ago

I was curious why I couldn't imbed a sketchfab viewer. This sort of viewer is essential, so much that as a customer I wouldn't buy a model without one.

I hope you change your minds about this. It seems like a deliberately stubborn reaction to Sketchfab's asset store.

LemonadeCG wrote
Let's be realistic, sketchfabb embeding will never return to CGT. They would be fools if they would do that.
Posted over 6 years ago

Also sketchfab is a competitor for cg trader now sins they opened a store... no?

Posted over 6 years ago

Well,there are certain alternatives! For example, if they could implement the Marmoset viewer somehow in web browser , that would be even better

Posted about 6 years ago

According to a thread I stumbled across, some of the plugins that were used to illegally download models from Sketchfab are no longer functioning. Maybe Sketchfab have increased their security? If this is the case, could the Sketchfab feature be re-introduced to CGTrader? (Marmoset is quite expensive!)

Mantas-Talmantas wrote
but that still doesn't change the fact that sketchfab is a direct competitor to cgtrader... they would not like if a potential buyer would find a model they like on cgtrader and buy it from their competitor...

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