Should i create hyperwallet account first then fill the payment agreement?

Discussion started by Khatri3D

The instructions said, i just have to fill the form and provide the email. And when the time comes hyperwallet will invite me for the account activation when they will receive the first payout . So i just fill up the form and provide the email? not caring about creating hyperwallet account? wait for them to give me invite or something ?


Posted 12 months ago

Yes. Within a couple of days, maybe more if it is over the weekend, you should receive an email from Hyperwallet inviting you to join, provided the payment agreement is filled out properly. Even though you had a payment agreement in the past, with this new system you have to fill it out again and give it information to prove that you are you. I had to verify with Hyperwallet as well by sending them a photo of a utility bill that has the address on it which verifies the address you gave in your payment agreement to CGTrader.

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