Search for a 3D modeling software - which can create the effect of conicity

Discussion started by toni-lechner

I am in search for a 3D modeling software, which can create the effect on a 3D model of conicity.

The conicity is an important feature for creating permant molds.

For better understanding:

A true conicity-effect on a 3D model - is to get rid of undercuts, when creating a permant mold of a 3D model ?


Or does anyone imagine - how to create a conicity effect when making a mold from a 3D object ?


Posted about 3 years ago

If I understand you properly most 3D applications have a Booleon function where you can subtract a model against a box or cube say and leave an imprint of it. Would this be enough for a mold I am not sure! My knowledge is mainly from using 3ds Max but I am sure most CAD or similiar design software will have the same or better functions to do this. I'm thinking of Fusion 360 perhaps.


toni-lechner wrote
Hallo Jim, the boolean can include undercuts of any model. --- From ZBrush-Support I got to know, that in ZBrush there is an feature called "draft analysis" by which you can make undercuts just visible. --- I am in search for an 3D Software which can create conicity on an existing 3D model from one side automatically. Maybe - if this is to complex to prorgamm - one could try to create a 3D conicity from a 2D Spline pattern - to extrude it do a 3D relief - giving the option of defining the angele of Conicity. Still searching. But thanks for Your thoughts. Toni

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