Thank you for this topic ... We'll be more careful;)
CGTrader Forum Rules
The rules and guidelines listed below must be followed at all times by the users of marketplace. The rules are enforced to ensure that CGTrader forum remains safe and friendly environment for all members and guests.
The following topics are restricted in this forum:
· Pornography, violence or any other distractive.
· Cheating, hacking on CGTrader.
· Drugs, alcohol.
· Religious, political and other similar threads.
· Posting copyrighted material.
· Racism, discrimination.
Let the forum moderators do the moderating. Backseat moderating can result in unnecessary arguments, hate speech which can result in ban for the user. Whenever you see a user breaking forum rules just report a case to the moderators.
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Offenders will be warned or/and banned for a period of time. Users who will repeatedly break the rules will be permanently banned from the forum.
Thank you for this topic ... We'll be more careful;)
Pretty simple. Any mature adult should act this way anyway.
Ok thanks
helpful thank u
thanks for informing..
I will try following all these........well just normal human social standards. awsome site.
Thanks for the good rules!
Thank You.. It helps everyone to be carefull..
Thank You.....Good tutorial......!!!
Its simple and understandable....!!
Yantram Image Editing Studio
Hi CGT people, just a small suggestion to improve the community: we need a flagging function to help you clean up the forums from spammers like the one before me.
Hello everyone,
I added some new points to the rules, so just want you to be aware of these:
"Do not create more than 1 thread a week for your 3D model showcase. Be nice and do not spam forum with topics related to your models showcase. Better put all new models to one thread and post it once a week/month."
I'll be closely watching 3D Models Showcase forum board as I noticed some of you create threads too often what, in a long run, will make it too spammy. Be nice. :)
"If violation is recorded, please immediately contact us on the down left corner "Chat with us". If the button isn't there then drop a line at"
If you see someone is advertising his/her services, website without any logical reason then it would be great to get a message from you to one of those channels. Thanks!
Thank you
Thank you for keeping CGtrader clean, clear and simple.
Thanks For most important information.
I'll be careful. My english is not so good, but it can't be helped...
I'll be careful. My english is not so good, but it can't be helped...
Thanks, I learned Something new.
Excellent !
Kool Beans, we understand, agree and will move forward.
Sounds fair
Expected and accepted.
Peaceful Cgtrader
Expected and accepted.
im new 3d artist im register in cg trader and im upload 3d model but when im return to my account know isee my models is dispair or deleted i dont know what happen so please tell me what happen im not cheaten or hacker im good man
please tell me?
Thank you so much !
Well-done! It is an article that is not just helpful for me but lots of many could benefit from it.
Assignment Help
I will care all rules Thanks
Very Good.
Rules! Great.
Thank you. We'll be more careful.
thank you
Common Sense
Always done
Very useful information indeed!!! Thanks!
Thank you
It make sense :) Thanks
All rules and conditions will be followed
All rules and conditions will be followed
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