I support this.!
I think the rating system here needs some re-work.
I got a negative rating for one of my top selling models here (and on Turbosquid). Never had a problem with it before.
The overall problem is that you can only vote positive or negative.
It should be some kind of support possbility before a voting or at least a field where customer has to tell what was negative and maybe a hint-text with a checkbox that tells customer before voting negative he may contact the seller for assistance.
Most stuff could be quickly sorted out if the customer has a problem and is unhappy with certain things. On the other had it can sort out "fun" negative votings too.
I support this.!
Hello Michael,
That is a great idea! We'll try to address it in the near future.
Best regards,
That would be a good improvement :)
Agree with you Michael, never happened to me here but I've suffered this problem in other sites.
You have a point, a text field for feedback would be nice.
For time being you could try to send a message to the customer asking why he is not satisfied?
Then maybe come to agreements and tell CGt staff about the issue (if resolved), then CGt staff can maybe remove the negative vote?
Yes I contacted the customer in this case and we sorted out quickly.
Would be nice now the customer could change his vote into a positive somehow.
Maybe under the negative icon a section resolved/unresolved could be added, displaying number of resolved/unresolved issues?
In this case then, customer feedback would display 1 negative, but directly below resolved (in green)would display 1 and unresolved (in red) would display 0.
He changed it. It seems to be no problem.
Changed what, still see one negative?
It is an old negative. No idea who voted it and when. :-/
Aha ok, so things seem to be better organized then we think ;-)
Yes, the rating system isn't the best, is general rating and the buyer is confused! It should be only by product !
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