Price offer spam

Discussion started by 3DRTcom

What could be the reason for people to spam offers on products? And never buying anything after they are approved?

Some people just spam dozens of models with offers. Do they get some bonus points for that?

We might simply ignore price offer requests because just around 1-2% from them are real resulting in sales.


Posted over 8 years ago

Interesting point, I love the idea of the price offer system, its one of the things which I think could set this store above others stores in my opinion :) However if it becomes abused then that is a shame.. On the bright side responding to offers does contribute to your response rate percentage which I imagine would make people more comfortable about buying if they know you will get back to them on any questions.

Posted over 8 years ago

Interesting topic. I get only one such offer to this date and was a bit confused when it didn't turned ito sale after approval. Maybe some folks just trying to see how the system works? :]

mhamik wrote
I think you'r wright
littlechild wrote
I have two price offer this month. And both cases guys asked me for more then fifty percent discount at pretty not expensive models. In either cases offer did not converted into sale...And now I consider price offer as red flag for immediatly redject the offer.
Posted over 8 years ago

Had 4 to date with only 1 resylting in a sale.....
I do not like the make offer system as it is a waste if time and if you accept an offer you might as well bring down your prices in general.... If people do not want to pay my asking price, which is low in any case, then they might just as well buy another model from someone who are willing to lower their price on their work.....
Just my thoughts...

LemonadeCG wrote
In that case it could be good idea if CGTrader let choose for a seller if he wants his models to be eligible for price offering. Like some checkbox under settings "allow buyers to offer their price".
jazz-cousins wrote
Personally I love the concept of the offer system, I like to know what people would most comfortably pay. Since digital models don't sell out you should not price your models by the time put in, raising prices doesn't necessarily raise profits, and its profits which pay the bills not prices. Letting people suggest seams the perfect way to find what people will pay. Whether people are mature enough to use it properly is another matter, but easy to fix, for instance, if someone makes an offer they have to put in their bank details before it will send, and then if they get the price they originally asked for it should automatically go through, leaving no room for abuse for those who don't want to buy. I think letting the sellers choose like @limonadinis says seams a good solution too.
Posted over 8 years ago

I think making them commit to the price if accepted is a great solution!

jazz-cousins wrote
Yeah, cant see any flaws in that really, accept if people start giving $0.01 offers or something stupid.. But that's fixable too, just allow the seller's to choose what their minimum price is, buyers cant see this but their offer would be automatically refused if its below that value. If the seller sets this to the same as the model price then offers would be essentially disabled since no offers would get through. Kill two birds with one stone, make the stubborn sellers happy and stop any form of spamming to those who might accept offers!
Posted over 8 years ago

I decline all haggling attempts, as this is not a thriftshop - you either NEED the model or you DON'T need it. If you need it, you will buy it for the 1/10th or less of the price it will cost to order it from an artist.
Many who post "50% off today!!!!" posts don't understand how this business works. They think people buy models for convenience, "oh look, it's cheaper today, let's strike it honey!"

Those that haggle are simply not really buyers. It is also irritating, that somebody will haggle for something that is already massively discounted, and I wish I could turn it off completely.

jazz-cousins wrote
If you are selling something unique then yes, you have a point, offers and discounts etc would be of little effect, however for generic stuff, like much of your own work it is a completely different situation. A jet for example, a jet is a jet, a chocolate box is a chocolate box! Its no different from any other! Same with any other product based model, you don't stand out..... So yes, they are going, "hmm do we give this person an offer to try meet our budget or do we find someone else?"
Posted over 8 years ago

I had 6 price offers. One of them was insultingly low, so i declined. Other was withdrawned by buyer. But 4 of them resulted in sales under lower price. But it was from one person who approached me to buy 4 of my models. And he did bought 4 of my models. He asked for lower price, but we negotiated and meet in the middle for all 4. I had 4 remaining 100% royalties from prize i won on Christmas challenge. So, in the end it was a really good day :). But i see your point that this can be abused. Like that first person i mentioned asked 80% of the price value to go down for particular model. It's just spam.

Posted over 8 years ago

"If you are selling something unique then yes, you have a point, offers and discounts etc would be of little effect, however for generic stuff, like much of your own work it is a completely different situation. A jet for example, a jet is a jet, a chocolate box is a chocolate box! Its no different from any other! Same with any other product based model, you don't stand out....."

To be frank, birds, dragons and fantasy creatures aren't exactly the uniquest items on offer around here either. Their name is legion all around. Since you decided to take a cheap potshot.

jazz-cousins wrote
I don't disagree, if I believed my work was truly unique or anything I probably would have aimed a little higher with prices. I apologize if I offended you, I forgot to incriminate myself on that one, it came out as a rather unbalanced remark... To be honest I'm fairly new to selling digital work, being a sculptor normally only getting into digital more recently I did almost 0 market research, my prices are based on calculation. After I sold 20 of each model I would have paid for the time I put it, and they all seam to be on track for getting at least that after 1 year of being up, from then on I'm getting money for work I've already been paid for!!! Oh the joys of being a digital model maker :) I admit if I can get away with selling for more ill appreciate that, seams a bit extortionate to me but I have tried doubling prices on other stores to see what the effect is, too early to say for sure yet.
Posted over 8 years ago

Hey guys,

It's an interesting topic and an issue. We are planning on implementing the "check box" - so you can check if you want to receive the price offers for different items.

Jazz_cousins, if you need a little bit of a market research, this one can be very beneficial:


Eduardas, CGTrader

jazz-cousins wrote
Nice visual graph! Would be interesting to know what the average sale price is in each category is too but anyway this is pretty handy, thanks.
eduardas wrote
Well, this one's may be a bit outdated, but it could give you some clues on the average prices.
Posted over 8 years ago

Hey guys,

We have updated the settings a bit - you can now check if you want to receive offers for your products (at your settings and preferences).


Eduardas, CGTrader

mhamik wrote
Thanks for informing, now I'll check
Posted over 8 years ago

prices show the quality, the buyer must know

jazz-cousins wrote
"prices show the quality, the buyer must know" When it comes to how we as sellers price our products it is all down to how we judge the quality of our products, we are all bias, many are self-doubting, underpricing many big-headed, overpricing. I don't deny price does seam to distort peoples perceptions of models regardless of what they can see in the media, however any decent creator should know that it is their media and descriptions that show the practical value of the model, the seller's personal choice, and representative of nothing in reality therefore if @Iraham_Desain is right then we as makers must try to raise awareness among potential customers of this miss conception.
Posted about 8 years ago

I like the offer feature.
It gives customers with a low budget the possibility to work with you files.

But offer spamming/trolling is bullshit!

So this Brought me this two ideas, which could reduce this annoying problem.

1. Instant sale.
If the seller akzeptiere the offer, the sale is done.

2. Time limited sale.
After the seller accepted the offer the customer has one hour to cancel the sale.
And if the customer cancel the sale the seller will get a message.
And also the customer will be put on a list which counts how often he do cancel a offer just to analyse if it is a troll or a real customer.

Also the customer should know this by giving him a message/warning window which he must agree before he can do a offer.

Just some Ideas :)

Posted about 8 years ago

I don't think that forcing buyer to commit to purchase is a positive thing. And how do you expect to make one pay if he decides not to do so?
Maybe there could be better ways to solve this problem? Like to do such only buyer who has at least one normal purchase would be eligible to make an offer. That would be at least some defence against those naggers who have no real intention to buy anything.

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