Hey Francesco!
It's like you read my mind!
Hi there,
I was wondering if someone has ever thought to have a public section on this website where to ask for current product requests.
It is true that there is a search filter for users but I think it would be a good tool for sellers who can look at requests and maybe, if they have the right product, they can contact the potential buyer.
I dunno if I'm saying a dumb thing but I was thinking about that.
What do you personally think?
Have a good day!
Hey Francesco!
It's like you read my mind!
I don't get it. What purpose your proposed board should serve? If someone is looking for specific model he will search existing database first and if one can't find that he needs, one is free to publish job offer and some designers definitely will pick it up if price is right.
Yeah maybe you are right! I don't know. It was just a thought I had.
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