payment reversal - no cardholder authorization

Discussion started by VirtualMecha

I just noticed that 1 of my sales in last august got refunded for no reason and it says "payment reversal - no cardholder authorization", i got no notification whatsoever no emails, nothing, and when i try to click the buyer for checking, the page is not found 404, does that means i got scammed??


Posted about 1 month ago

oh and the buyer is from Taiwan, username is parsuchesions57

Posted about 1 month ago

It's only natural that buyer's account is missing - you wouldn't want that cgtrader would leave it to scam more people, wouldn't you? On the other hand, it's a shame that cgtrader doesn't give you any notification about refund being made for whatever reason, i guess they just don't want to upset their users and prefer to handle this semi secretly, which i found is quite unfair.

Regarding scammer's country, i don't think that matters at all, you can get scammed from anywhere in the world - bad people are everywhere.

VirtualMecha wrote
seriously, although this is my first time, it makes me worried if this gonna happen more and more frequent in the future since GCtrader don't know how to resolve this yet, it makes me lose the motivation to make a new model , tough times
VityaB wrote
Happened to me only once. You shouldn't worry about it.
LemonadeCG wrote
@VirtualMecha, there's not much cgtrader can do about it, payment reversal comes from the banks and worst of all it can come several months after payment was made. So unless cgtrader would start taking payment deposits from all customers and keep it for at least half year, they not gonna solve the issue, but of course such measure would be hugely unpopular amongst the customers and undoubtedly would drastically decrease the traffic and would make everyone loose, including you, hence it will never happen. Another option could be if cgtrader would fully or partially cover payment reversal from their own pocket, but why would they do it? I'm sure they have somewhere else where to spend their money ;]
LemonadeCG wrote
As @VityaB said, you should not worry about that too much. From my experience payment reversal due to unauthorized use happens about 0,1% of all the transactions. It's not pleasant when it happens, but it certainly not the end of the world. If you're not making thousands of sales each month, it's quite unlikely that you'll have another reversal anytime soon.

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