It sounds as if somebody used a stolen credit card to purchase your collection. The original owner found out and disputed the charges. It doesn't happen often but it does happen.
someone purchased my collection of 8 models and after a days i got a message that "payment reversal because of cardholder authorization " now my balnce is in negative.. is that normal here? why i have to refund my money , the buyer is already using my collection models.
It sounds as if somebody used a stolen credit card to purchase your collection. The original owner found out and disputed the charges. It doesn't happen often but it does happen.
@renderstudioarchviz, it's not your fault, but neither it's the rightful card owner's fault. The transaction was illegal, so it has been reversed. You probably wouldn't think about a loophole if your card would be stolen and you'd want to get your money back for purchase that you didn't make, isn't?
it happened to me too!, the hell, the buyer is from taiwan!
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