Hello, and yes you will paid next moth.
hello, I just made my first 200$ does this means I get paid by 20th next month?
Hello, and yes you will paid next moth.
Hello! Almost a same question: in this year I have sold my model on 2020-01-13(and didn't get any payment to my PayPal account after 20th January) and next three on 2020-02-13 - does this mean I'd get my total payment for January and February after 20th of the February?
Thanks in advance! .)
For January sales you will be paid on February 20th, for February sales on Match 20th :-)
Look at the FAQ
"Once you will get your payment agreement verified, collected royalties will be paid until the 20th day of the following month. For example, royalties collected over January are paid until the 20th day of February."
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