TSquidda ham ishlaydiganlar bormi? Man umuman sota olmadim? balki noto`g`ri yuklayotgandirman.
Saytdagi muammolar,sotish ko`rsatkichlari,boshqa saytlar haqida fikr almashaylik. Bir-birimizni qo`llab-quvvatlaylik!
TSquidda ham ishlaydiganlar bormi? Man umuman sota olmadim? balki noto`g`ri yuklayotgandirman.
you are likely going to get more/better responses in English
plenty of people would like to discus sales numbers, website problems and turbo-squid with you like you want, but very little people here speak fluent Uzbek. English is not my first language ether, but that is what is dominantly spoken here.
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