Looking for someone who can convert Blender models to Max and Maya formats.

Discussion started by jarratt51

I currently sell a range of products, and I wish to broaden my target market by offering those models in Maya and Max format, with textures and materials. I am willing to pay, however if you decide to help me then you are also receiving $120 worth of blender models for free. I am not sure how much to charge since I don't know the complexity of this job. I'm looking for advice on how to go about such work considering I don't own either Max or Maya, or if you want to own these models we can trade in the sense that you keep the models for free provided you are able to convert them to the requested file types. Feel free to remove this thread if its against the rules. The models are below:



Thanks in advance :)


Posted over 4 years ago

It might be cheaper if you purchased a single month subscription to MAX and or Maya, studied a little on how to use the Arnold shader to make the needed materials, and then did the work yourself. Plus you would have personal control over the materials and renders, of course. You could expect to spend half of or a whole day learning the Arnold renderer. Professional-grade knowlege would take longer than that, of course, but your objective simply is to offer your models in MAX and Maya file formats. People purchasing your model in those formats are likely to be tweaking the materials, anyhow, and probably using another rendering engine such as V-Ray, ... so you wouldn't really need to become expert in Arnold. You might not be aware that you can "rent" Max and Maya for just a single month, but it is easy to do so, and relatively inexpensive. A month is more than long enough to learn to use these softwares at the minimal level you need, and to convert all your models.

Forester wrote
...and this is not a complex job. You just need to export your models from Blender into a format Max and Maya can import - maybe just *.obj, or *.abc, or *.fbx (I don't know if Blender exports into *.fbx) or not). Then import them, re-apply the materials and textures, and then save them out.
jarratt51 wrote
Thanks for your help, I will look into it :)

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