Is there any update going on the cgtrader or anything else happens because sales are drowning?

Discussion started by 3dxin

Maybe there is something wrong or I have missed something.
Is there anyone facing the same?
Is there any help for me?


Posted about 11 hours ago

I also don't understand what is happenning.
From middle of december CGT is almost dead.
For example in december I had only 4 sales which is the lowest number of sales from october 2019. And between 10th dec and 1th jan I got only 1 sale. 1 sale in 20 days period. This is probably also record.
We are already in the 2nd half of month and my current january earnings are 18% of november 2024 and only 13% of october 2024.
I understand that this season is always weaker but such significant decline? I don't experience it on the other site .

3dxin wrote
Hope the Cgtrader will sharp eye on these and bring the best solution for us as quickly as lightning.

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