Is there any update going on the cgtrader or anything else happens because sales are drowning?

Discussion started by 3dxin

Maybe there is something wrong or I have missed something.
Is there anyone facing the same?
Is there any help for me?


Posted about 1 month ago

I also don't understand what is happenning.
From middle of december CGT is almost dead.
For example in december I had only 4 sales which is the lowest number of sales from october 2019. And between 10th dec and 1th jan I got only 1 sale. 1 sale in 20 days period. This is probably also record.
We are already in the 2nd half of month and my current january earnings are 18% of november 2024 and only 13% of october 2024.
I understand that this season is always weaker but such significant decline? I don't experience it on the other site .

3dxin wrote
Hope the Cgtrader will sharp eye on these and bring the best solution for us as quickly as lightning.
Posted about 1 month ago

I've had the same significant sales drop in December. It looked like something different from the usual "seasonal fluctuations". So in 1.01.2025 I've decided to remove the rest of my models from my store. No anticipations -- no stress.

Posted about 1 month ago

something changed in the algorithms. On the contrary, my sales increased

3dxin wrote
That's good gives me some hope.
Posted about 1 month ago

Something is definitely wrong with the search. I wrote in the search Residential module for habitation It redirects to some kind of subscription page.

3dxin wrote
I haven't faced that yet hope the authority will trace that.
Posted about 1 month ago

Updtae. It seems like sales are getting slightly better and now this month already became better than previous december.

LemonadeCG wrote
Good for you. I didn't reach December level yet, despite the fact that it was one of my worst month ever.
3dxin wrote
Not yet okay for me but hopeful for your words.
Posted about 1 month ago

Thanks. Still 2 weeks remaining so hopefully you will also overcome december earnings until end of the month. It is true that Christmas and first half of january is always weaker season but this year it was really unprecedented and extreme.

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