
Discussion started by mcgamescompany

Well, i've started making models in Blender 8-9 months ago, and started uploading them in here on September.

I just wanted to know your opinion, and hear some suggestions.

Here is my profile:


Posted almost 5 years ago

I just started a few months ago myself, and personally, I think that your models are very good. It seems like you've spent a lot of time making sure that your presentation is good, which is always important. I think that you have a really strong account, and keep it up! You have a lot of skill.

mcgamescompany wrote
Thanks for the support! I try to do my best.
Posted almost 5 years ago

I also started uploading my models a few days ago and it is a new experience on me, but I saw that your profile is very good especially to show the details and presentation ,Very good job ,but I want to know does the first model sell take a
?long time cause I think it is not easy

mcgamescompany wrote
It took me a few months to sell my first model, but then the sales just keep growing up.
Posted almost 5 years ago

ohh , thanks a lot for telling I was wondering about that , good luck.

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