Hyperwallet.. or no choice

Discussion started by 3d-bug

Hello everyone!

At last I have received the answer regarding request to the support about moving to "hyperwallet" AND disabling all other payment methods:

"It is fully your choice to sell or remove your models from our site. It is also your choice to create a Hyperwallet or not but it is logical that you will not be able to receive any royalties without Hyperwallet account, the same goes with royalties since you will not earn any royalties when you will have no models for sale.
As said earlier, no other payout options are planned. The collected royalties will not be lost and will stay in your CGTrader account until you verify the payment agreement. Maybe in the far future we will have additional payout options directly from us and then you wish to take out the royalties, other as said in our email the only option to receive Payouts are via Hyperwallet.
The decision is only up to you."

So, of course, since I no longer have a choice, my answer is pretty obvious:

"Yes, you are right, and the decision has been finalized.
Since sales on your site have fallen to negligible numbers, and you have removed all convenient forms of payment in favor of a disreputable "hyperwallet", and even with such "innovations" - I see no point in providing my models to your marketplace.
Plus, giving my personal data to yet another questionable company "hyperwallet", and losing even more on fees?
No thanks.

There are plenty of alternative marketplaces that have exactly those forms of payment you've disabled for all your users here.
Sales of the same 3d models go much better there and there are no problems with the choice of payment methods.

So, in conclusion, I ask you to:

1. Unpublish all my models as of today.
I couldn't find this option in the settings, although you used to do it successfully on request before.
This way I will have the option to get my models back on showing for sale quickly, in case you bring back normal payment methods (maybe in the far future).
If not, I can delete them one by one, no prob.

2. Payout the balance with the payment method that is still associated with my account.
By the way, you still haven't sent the current agreement that I asked for in the previous email, legally it's still in effect until I sign any new one."

It would be very interesting to know the decisions and opinions of other sellers here, given that this is not an optional extra, but a replacement with no option (even regular PayPal is no longer available without this third-party "service").


Posted about 1 year ago

Since you asked:
It would be very interesting to know the decisions and opinions of other sellers here, given that this is not an optional extra...

It doesn't concern me the slightest. Its business as per usual. Every couple of years I have to update my tax information for every market place I'm on anyway so its not really much different.

Depending on your country depends on which payment services are available to you through Hyperwallet, either Paypal, bank transfer, etc. I don't know why everyone is making such a fuss. Things change, business changes, you either agree or you don't. If you don't agree then you have already made clear you can go to another market place... so do that right? What's the point of creating yet another thread after the other 100 here already exist? Do what you have to do, it doesn't matter in the long run, in 6 months from now there will be more models, more artists selling, more content, and those who wish to participate will, those who don't would naturally move on to something else anyway, that's business.

3d-bug wrote
Yes, you're right, there will be more models and more artists, but they will favor platforms that have multiple payment options, a more user-friendly and flexible interface, a wider audience, and lower fees from middlemen like hyperwallet or so.
3DCargo wrote
The hyperwallet fees are the same for me, so far. A more user-friendly and flexibly interface lol, hope so. The other market places I sell on have worse bugs than CGT, they are different but they all have their problems. A wider audience, well that just depends on who you sell to and what you are selling, same goes for every market place. You could try sell your fancy drink coasters in a Lamborghini dealership but people don't go there to buy drink coasters... This just sounds like a case of confirmation bias, the grass is always greener they say. Well sure, maybe it is, go look and find out.
3DCargo wrote
Its not hard to do your own research, here's a clue for you. Search for the top 10 selling artists, where do they sell? They probably sell on 3 or 4 of the top market places (and their own). Now ask yourself why. Because its a numbers game, if they made more by being exclusive they would be. The fact they are not exclusive gives you the next clue. Dive into that, it tells you that they also deal with the changes and problems of these market places as any professional does - weigh up the pros/cons and do the required paperwork/tax/bankroll. If your income increases then its worth it, if not then change plan. If your entire strategy is based on emotions and change, then I'm afraid you are looking at things from the wrong perspective. As that means your business is as volatile as your current mood, and I wouldn't want to do business with a person like that.
3d-bug wrote
"You could try sell your fancy drink coasters in a Lamborghini dealership" Great idea! Thank you! )))
3d-bug wrote
"As that means your business is as volatile as your current mood, and I wouldn't want to do business with a person like that." Perhaps you shouldn't fantasize so wildly without knowing the person and his audience. With all due respect.
LucasArtz wrote
So your reply amounts to ~ (It works for me so therefore anyone it doesn't work for is their problem and why are they kicking up a big stink?) Unless you simply didn't read the OP properly.
3DCargo wrote
@LucasArts, my point is some market places I sell on don't pay me the way I prefer, but they pay. I made a choice to continue selling there because of the income benefit over the long run. @3d-bug, apologies if that sounds rude, that's not my intention and wasn't directed at you. This is just an example of a case scenario, I should have worded it better.
Posted about 1 year ago

Since you asked:
It would be very interesting to know the decisions and opinions of other sellers here, given that this is not an optional extra...

It doesn't concern me the slightest. Its business as per usual. Every couple of years I have to update my tax information for every market place I'm on anyway so its not really much different.

Depending on your country depends on which payment services are available to you through Hyperwallet, either Paypal, bank transfer, etc. I don't know why everyone is making such a fuss. Things change, business changes, you either agree or you don't. If you don't agree then you have already made clear you can go to another market place... so do that right? What's the point of creating yet another thread after the other 100 here already exist? Do what you have to do, it doesn't matter in the long run, in 6 months from now there will be more models, more artists selling, more content, and those who wish to participate will, those who don't would naturally move on to something else anyway, that's business.

3DCargo wrote
Apologies for double post, I pressed reply twice apparently lol
Posted about 1 year ago

Already deleted my models. I am curious how they, legally, will keep our money if the new agreement will not be signed.

3d-bug wrote
Yes, this is why I asked them to send me the current agreement.
Posted about 1 year ago

PayPal (Which acquired Hyperwallet) are known for literally stealing money from donations to journalists, for example "Mint Press News and The Grayzone" when something they don't agree with politically is written. They've also engaged in mass suppression in services to Palestinians ["US Congress members demand that PayPal end ban on Palestinian business" The Guardian]. This is why, and I agree 100% that their needs to be as many payment options as possible.

Posted about 1 year ago

When will people realize that when someone owns something he/she can do whatever want with it. If cgt CEO and managment want's to change payment method for whatever reason, they can and nothing can stop them doing that. Obviously they made analysis what will happen and the end result is acceptable for them ,i repeat FOR THEM and that's all that matters. Very often i read on the forum nonsense how people rights are violated, what rights ? There are only CGT rules here , either play by them or leave , you signed the agreement. People also don't seem to realize that they sell their models here on their platform for a fee because they let them ,just how they allow you to sell they can ban you at any given time and they don't need any reason for that. The way they implemented this hyperwallet thing is bad, very bad, they should have informed artist first and give them some room, so that they can decide can or can't sell here anymore , and those who decided that they cant , their account should be frozen and all money that they earn paid instantly. As I said above, their platform their rules their business.

LucasArtz wrote
"you signed the agreement" Try and learn to read brown-nose. You ranted about nothing the OP has even said.
tobiasrieper wrote
Said who ? Person who ranted about Palestinians and politics on CGT forum... nuff said.
LucasArtz wrote
"needs to be as many payment options as possible." My conclusion reached was perfectly applicable to the OP and relevant. Yours was just a cringe brown nose moment you should be ashamed of.
tobiasrieper wrote
Really ? I can write about Formula 1 on this forum If I want to and there is nothing to stop me unfortunately for you. When I think about it, this hyperwallet is a good thing, it helps filtering garbage seller like you.
Posted about 1 year ago


Today, at my request, they finally hid all my models from display and sale here. That's great, but they ignored my request for payment of the accumulated amount from models sales under the previous agreement, and as you understand, I'm not going to sign a new one.

So, in conclusion, it turns out that they just froze the money unilaterally without any reason. Probably I'll be contacting lawyers here in Europe soon, and I'm sure that CGT are acting illegally because the old agreement remained in force until the new one was signed. Otherwise they should have just suspended sales at the time of the decision about new payment system and resume sales just for those who signed the new one.
At least it is logical, because any normal companies do exactly this, if the old agreement for some reason does not suit them and they would like to have a new contract, but with different conditions.
Freezing money earned BEFORE that point is just plain one-sided deception.

Posted about 1 year ago

Tried and tried!!! Cannot find / see the 'Payment Form / Hyperwallet to fill in?
[Seen so many bad and negative reviews about your 'new' payment system and as a 'long-time' CG member, this is very worrying, to say the least....]

Posted about 1 year ago


Today I found out that they removed all my models from here (before that they suspended them on request and noted that if I want, they can remove them on request, but I did not send them a second request).
Also they still haven't paid the remaining amount for previous sales under the OLD AGREEMENT (I didn't sign up for hyperwallet, of course).

Now for sure, even if they bring back the previous payment methods, I don't see the point of coming back here with my models.
Even on turbosquid there are 3 payment methods now (PayPal, Payoneer, Stripe).

lilux wrote
I deleted myself the models, but still wait this month, to see if they will send me the rest of money. If they don't respect the initial agreement, will be really a big abuse. It is a small amount of money, however, instead of suing them, will make, regularly, many negative campaigns on all platforms.

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