Hyperwallet is the worst change ever

Discussion started by deleteme12312424365342

It's not that anyone would care because I'm very small artist with barely any sales, but I was on cgtrader for a very long time and I am considering taking all models out.
Hyperwallet is THE WORST. Now there is a third party that decides if they pay or don't pay me money I earned. They ask a lot of personal data including my ID card.
So I gave them ID card. For a context, I live in Germany as a war refugee. It took very long time to get my plastic ID card. This march I've got a letter that tells me that my ID card is still valid till next year, and I don't need to get a new one. Tech support of hyperwallet just doesn't give any crap. I explained it to them twice and they are still telling me that my documents are outdated.
I wait for a few more days and take all my content out from this platform. And I encourage everyone to do the same.


Posted 4 months ago

Here we go...another dissatisfied member who thinks by posting his hard luck story, that he's going to get hundreds of artists to leave. The ones who didn't accept hyperwallet have already left. The ones who did are still here and they are continuing to sell models and get paid. Do you really think they're all going to walk out in protest because you had problems?

dushess0az wrote
A warning ia a warning, nobody forcing members to veave the platworm. They gonna do it ourselves if needed.
Posted 4 months ago

Who knows, maybe the will? Maybe not. No way I will just sit silent about this bullshit.

bigsk8man wrote
yeah it is bullshit bro
Posted 4 months ago

They won't. Hyperwallet has to comply with government tax laws of many world countries. Hyperwallet only makes money from CGTrader, if your account is approved, so you would think that it would be in their best interest in getting as many people approved as they can. Having a temporary resident card (or whatever ID you're using) may be enough to get you government services in Germany but may not be enough for Hyperwallet to comply to the tax laws of Germany. You don't have to say silent about this, but trying to get people to join you in a protest walk-out won't happen. If people are approved by Hyperwallet, they're not going to cancel a source of income to support you.

chtazi wrote
Stop talking nonsense, the dude has earned and wants to get his income, should he care what Hyperwallet observes there, that before that paypal, payoneer, webmoney or a regular bank transfer did not comply with the laws of the countries of the world, the more payment methods and income generation the better, and cgtrader did the opposite, narrowed it down to one, how do you Do you think how many sellers have left because of this? and how many new sellers, faced with the stupid Hyperwallet system, will go to other marketplaces, there will be no sellers, there will be no customers, there will be no revenue, cgtrader will lose its share of the market.
Posted 4 months ago

Whatever CGTrader did was in THEIR best interests. Whether that means complying with the government, and reducing the amount of problems with managing multiple payment platforms. But I will say, that CGTrader should have alerted the artists months ahead of the change, so that anyone who didn't like the new rules, could opt out and cancel their accounts and be paid out on the old payment platforms. Hyperwallet has been active for several months now and there are still plenty of sellers and plenty of customers so I have no idea what you're talking about. Yes, some have left, but strangely enough, I don't find a shortage of artists or models here. If you are dissatisfied with how CGTrader manages their website, then leave. Nobody is forcing you to stay here.

chtazi wrote
Who are you to tell me what to do, if you don't like my answer to your nonsense, you can leave the website yourself
IndieArt wrote
@chtazi He's Mr. CGT Intermediary with zero selling experience and using multiple accounts to do his "work" and upvoting his own posts.
chtazi wrote
It doesn't change anything.
Westman01 wrote
You’re right IndieArt, I have no selling experience, but I do have a BA in Business Economics. I take about as much value in your opinion as I do chtazi’s.
IndieArt wrote
Then find a job in a industry where your BA and your opinions have any value.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
IndieArt and chtazi you just Bobo and Li'l Debil. :D I only have one profile.
IndieArt wrote
Does CGT really pay you to harass people on it's forums or are you volunteer harasser?
Westman01 wrote
IndieArt, I'm not a 3D freelancer but a customer here. I am also gainfully employed and value my employer, unlike you. You keep being a 3D freelancer, since with your malcontent attitude you wouldn't be able to hold employment elsewhere. I'm surprised at the tolerance CGTrader shows to its members who constantly bash the company's reputation, and yet still are here. I understand that every company many introduce policies that employees (or in this case, freelancers) may find undesirable. That company has to expect a bit of push-back to those new rules, but eventually there is a limit. Perhaps you and other contemptuous members should carefully read over the Terms and Conditions on this site. Pay particular attention to section 3.6.
IndieArt wrote
Customers usually don't spend their weekends on forums calling sellers Karens or threatening them with consequences. Companies with reputation usually don't use childish anon accounts to call their users various names.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
No need to scare users with section 3.6. Company and comments (in this case from Westman01) no way connected.
chtazi wrote
There is no point in continuing this topic anymore, the dude under the nickname LegendaryMemer1337 deleted his products and just left, and he wanted to get his honestly earned income no more.
Westman01 wrote
How would you know what customers do on weekends? Perhaps I just have nothing better to do, or perhaps I'm just here to annoy you with my factual statements. Also, I never threatened anybody. Is telling someone that it might rain a threat? Whatever CGTrader does to impudent members, such as yourself, is their choice. Tolerance has a limit. If one day CGTrader decides to clean house and eliminate those user accounts who disparage their brand on a public forum, we'll see who still has a membership here. Don't forget, this is THEIR site, you're just a contractor and can be easily replaced.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Westman01 with such rhetoric you have every chance of being deleted from here first.
Westman01 wrote
Please explain how rhetoric would get me deleted?
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Rhetoric about elimination and tolerance in context of issues with hyperwallet (for example). This doesn't mean that you will be banned tomorrow. No. But this is not something unrealistic.
Westman01 wrote
Fair enough. I'll temper my remarks more in the future. Perhaps things did get out of hand.
Posted 4 months ago

-@LegendaryMemer1337 does your plastic ID card have an expiry date? If so, is it actually expired, with the letter from the government saying it is still valid? My heart goes out to you for having to leave your home country.

Posted 4 months ago

Totally agree, Cg-trader betrayed its artists, the monopoly of Hypervallet scammers turned out to be much more important than the interests of users. As you can see on the forums there are always 2-3 strange users who praise this moronic service and threaten other users.

But I wouldn’t recommend completely deleting your account, for example, I raised the cost of the models almost 100 times so that no one could buy it , and until Сgtrader cooperates with scammers and does not return normal payment systems, the models will be outrageously expensive

3DAutomotiveStuFF wrote
U can now use your payoneer bank account details to register in hyperwallet and get paid again,if your hyperwallet account is deactivated contact with cgtrader support team and ask them to activate it , when cgtrader introduced hyperwallet first back then it was impossible to add payoneer bank details and get paid but now looks like there are some updated deals between hyperwallet and payoneer and hyperwallet allows payoneer users to include payoneer bank details and get paid
ProutPet wrote
Yes, this can now be done, this is better than the usual bank transfer or Paypal as the transaction fee is very small. The issue is activating Hyperwallet account itself for users like LegendaryMemer1337, they ask a lot of personal information, and some users can't provide those
Posted 4 months ago

Cgtrader should give the option between Payoneer and Hyperwallet to its users. This way those who prefer Payoneer can still use it without having to use Hyperwallet.

I also noticed that the conversion rate of dollar to any other currency on Hyperwallet is absurd!

elmarcg wrote
This is monopoly , guess Hyperwallet paid enough money to Cgtrader for removing other payment methods . Money more important than art , decided in Cg-trader , well let it be...
Posted 2 months ago

Thank you people who supported me with kind words and I don't really care about others. I'm not gonna be one of those who will jump out of nowhere and threat everyone that I quit and expect that someone will care and do something. Tech support from both cgtrader and hyperwallet kept directing me to each other and eventually refused to help me. First I logged in just to turn off this annoying wildcat notofication (12 usd for a model? are you kidding me?) and saw that a lot of people answered. But now I will also write an e-mail to tech support to remove my account, because I couldn't find any "delete account" in my user settings.
Don't support exploitative platforms, internet is big and there're must be better places to monetize skill. I don't want to bother anyone, and just upload all my stuff for free on sketchfab. Everyone have a good day.

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