How I Got Here

Discussion started by ricomcarlos

How did I end up as a seller here on CG Trader?

About twelve years ago a friend of mine caught me trying to "draw" a space ship using
Adobe Illustrator. He shook his head and told me I should be using a program called Google Sketchup instead.

I downloaded it and was instantly hooked. Now I could draw in three dimensions. Bear in mind, I was born in 68 so this was a really big deal for me.

Anyway, I spent a lot of time working on my ship. One day a different friend came by and saw what I was doing and asked if I could put versions of us in the ship. I told him flat out, NO. I could not imagine trying to build a character with this software, let alone one that looked like me or him.

Not much later yet another friend suggested I try some animating with my ship model.

As I was getting closer to completing what would be the first version my thoughts turned to rendering. How do I get a photo realistic picture of my model? I tried a stand alone but it didn't work well, then I discovered DAZ studio. Now I had something to render my model with/in and I also now had access to customizable characters.

This is when we all got a little carried away. We decided we were going to create a pilot for a sci fi tv show.

I worked my butt off for three years on the project. If anyone out there has ever seen the Red Green Show, I had their production company interested in doing the pilot right up until they decided it was going to be too expensive. I later looked into it myself by calling an animation studio in Toronto to ask how much they would charge me. A quarter million., Wow. My guy figured we could do it for 50 grand.. I agreed. Didn't have fifty g's though.

I managed the first four and a half episodes as web comics sans proper scripts but had to stop because of technical and personal time restraints.

Every so often I start working on it again, get all motivated then come to a grinding halt because I am just one person and we all know how this stuff works.

I wish I could just let it go but I can't. One of my characters is the wallpaper on my phone and desktop. She is there every day reminding me that I had a dream that was worth dreaming but will probably never come true. They came to life for me. Hundreds of hours spent writing the entire first season. They are like my family and I feel like I've let them down.

Right, so here I am. I figured all those hours spent, first with sketchup and then with Blender had to count for something. I decided to at least try and sell some of my models to justify it all.

My store does okay. I've gotten better as a modeller and I have a place to come for motivation and inspiration. I won't completely ever give up on my guys and the dream. We live in the most interesting time in history when it seems almost anything is possible.


Posted over 2 years ago

Wow, i am really motivated by this

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